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March 2011 Big Meet

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Members,

This is the discussion thread for our March 2011 Big Meet.

Obviously, you need to have a look at:

The February Social

The Afternoon Session

The Evening Session

You are:

  • A player.

Discuss the games on offer, what you need to prepare, anything really.

  • A GM.

Describe the game you want to play here in addition to what is to be found on your game page.
Ask for advice on how to format your game page.
Ask the Organising Team member in charge of the event to put your game on the sign up page and linkify everything that needs be linkified, such as a particular game thread in the forum or your game page for instance. Members of the Organising Team should be able to modify the calendar event and tracker pages to include their own games, but I can do it for them too if need be.

  • A new member or a simple observer.

We do not bite, so post away.

And for all of the above, you can discuss transport issues here too.

This is the original post, people are invited to propose games as soon as possible to allow players some choice and time to make up their minds.


"No game, thus no play makes us pretty dull boys" (and girls), so do not be shy and run something!

Yes, I know, I am lazy and merely change the name of the month, but hey, a thread must start with a post after all. wink


This thread will remain as a "sticky" until the March Big Meet has passed, then it will become a normal thread again. After that, you will still be able to comment on the event, but entropy should ensure the thread's slow death and let the newer thread for the current Big Meet take centre stage.


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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Members,

The events and the thread (this one) for the March 2011 Big Meet have now been set-up. As usual, if you can spot a wrong link back to the previous Big Meet pages, tell me or feel free to fix it yourself if your site credentials enable you to do so.

Unless a game I would like to play magically appears for the afternoon session, I may propose a Pathfinder RPG game, I have a short Pathfinder Society (PFS) Scenario in mind. Note that I am not an official PFS GM, thus would not record your progress. However, if you are a PFS player, you could get in contact with Vague Connections with regards to validating progress in a scenario I would be running.

Role-Playing Games.

Time for members to propose games.exclaim
Talk about them in this thread so that they can get posted. The sooner this happens, the more people might show-up at the March 2011 Big Meet.

The Big Meet is ideal for first-time GMs, so if you want to have a go at running a game, prepare something simple, a couple of encounters and there you go!

I have now decided to can The Hollow's Chronicles and offer only one-off sessions with pre-generated characters only.


If you have boardgames you want to play, preferably small scale and simple (we play in a pub, avoid long games and those that require a large table), they could make a welcome addition.


posts: 64 Europe

Sat 12 15:00 H Swansea City FLC
so derby at home

I wodering whether some flexibility in the date is needed to only be away day games....on the times i turned up last year it certainly meant i never got there before 2.30

derby at home on 9th and 23rd

I assuming there is one as 'conquest' isnt until 30th april?

posts: 64 Europe

On a more helpful gonna try to get there

I can also sign off any PFS mods...what mod you thinking of running?

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

The 5 year tradition is that one O'Clock every second Saturday of every month, we meet at the Brunswick. Every time we have attempted any deviation from that venue or schedule, we have suffered for it.

Every time someone suggests an alternative for whatever reason, we go through this same thing.

  • We have learned that the best way to cope with the football is to sit it out and play when they leave. We simply extend the social. There will be some stragglers who only pitch up late, but by then the regulars have normally done their job.
  • We have learned that a change of city causes loads of repercussions.
  • We have learned that even some people who have known the schedule for quite some time question it.
  • Yes, there will be one in April.
  • The March meetup will be our 5th anniversary meeting.
Our first ever meeting. At the Brunswick 11 March 2006
Our first ever meeting. At the Brunswick 12 March 2006

I might wear the same T-Shirt just for
The barman, Chris took the pic, and played the following month. The first of many conscripts Converts.


Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

Wow, five years? I think I joined the following month, mind you I think it's been two or three years since I came to a meet.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Not sure if we have any further photos until July '06, but I'll look in the archives to see if we have your début. I know you were there pretty soon after the start.


Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

Yeah, I make occasional appearances in the photo album on this site!

I shall be there in March to celebrate five years and would love to get involved with a game. Something with pre gen characters would suit me though I can roll up a new one to fit in. It'll be a while before I'm ready to run something of my own but I'll certainly consider DMing in the future.



Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Possible afternoon game

Considering Adam has finished running his game I would have no gaming commitment. If I manage to pull my fingers out of my backside, I may run a one-off D&D/Pathfinder RPG game, with pre-gen indeed.

I think it will be The Frozen Fingers of Midnight. I would run it at LV3, enough HP and class options to be interesting, not so much as being overwhelming for new players.

However, if John shows-up and run something like Middle-Earth, I might just play there.

Games in general

As usual the Organising Team would like to remind prospective GMs to talk-up their games here so as to allow us to set-up the sign-in sheets for both sessions.


posts: 64 Europe

ooh, thats the only one of the first five i haven't played!!

1st to 5th level characters (Tiers: 1–2, 4–5)....according to the bumpf!

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Wash your hands first, then do the pre-gens please. We don't want anyone coming down with anything you may still have on your fingers.eek


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


I very rarely have the optimal four players, so assuming six players at LV3, a 4-5 tier adventure should play just fine.
I read the adventure ages ago, and I liked the storyline.

Nottingham team

Andrew will try to find someone to baby sit the shop and come for the five year anniversary.
From the activity on this thread it seems that there will be enough people to actually call the event a "BIG Meet" in March then. smile


posts: 64 Europe

kewl beans

can i bring a PFS character with me? (all legal like, might only be 2nd level though.....'blind' half elf oracle of heaven)

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Big Meet attendees,

New game.

I have etched The Frozen Fingers of Midnight in stone for the Afternoon session. Those interested may register. As usual I have set the limit at six players, but I have been coerced so many times before to run for more players that it does not really make any impact. wink

Discuss anything related to the game on this thread. The more posts we get here, the more activity can be seen by members who are still undecided.
Again, this is not an official PFS event, but John or Andrew (Vague Connections if he shows up) could register your progress I guess.

Prepared character for the Pathfinder Society game.

John, considering the March 2011 Big Meet will likely see a %*#+ old git from %&*?@ Leicester (who plays %$@!# 4e) coming to the Brunswick, I see no reason why a blind half-elf would be unwelcome. smile See this thread for the background.
I shall attempt to run the adventure as close as possible to the PFS standard (XP and treasure) so as to allow you to self-register your progress if you want.

More games needed.

Again, if you are planning on running something, or bringing a boardgame, card game, etc, you are encouraged to pipe in. You do not have to prepare a page but it usually helps.

For those who are not aware: Creating pages is not restricted to Admins and GMs, even the lowliest, smelliest, most disgusting, scum with an active member account can create pages! surprised lol

Your game page can then be linkified by higher beings (Admins and GMs) smile on the Afternoon Session or Evening Session Big Meet event.


posts: 64 Europe

Cheers Laurent.....i will prep something to run as well, just in case we are inundated (sp?)with PFS players!!

hoping to stay into the evening, so will have a think about that slot too!!

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I fully intend to be there, if only to wind up the French. I know I also wanted to be at the last two as well, but I can't control which days will be good or bad days. This one is special in so many ways, it being our 5th anniversary and all. I feel a cake is probably in order too.


Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

Oh no, not cake! I had to be on my best behaviour in the pub the other night and resist donuts. I can run off a couple of pints of ale but factoring cake into the equation makes life much harder!

Looking forward to the meet and getting stuck into a game.


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Yeah Bruce, there was a bit more in the way of snacks on Thursday than normal. We ended up not doing the fish 'n chips thing because there were so many snacks. Some weeks it seems everyone brings enough snacks for everyone else. So last week was a bit OTT.

But you have to leave room for Chilli Chips and Cheese at the Brun. Ch. Ch. Ch. is traditional. The cake is a five year group birthday party thing. That doesn't happen every month.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


You are so cheap.
Next month will be the fifth anniversary of the second monthly meet EVAH.

Was it any less important than the first?


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Well Laurent, you're probably not going to like the reason why, but in view of the fact that April was the first actual game and I was the DM, I have to admit it really is just as important.

In March we met, rolled up characters, and decided that John was to be the DM. Then with 3 days notice, the then Organiser, David, asked me if I could run something as John has pulled out at the last minute. So with three days to run something, I decided to take a level eleven 2nd Ed encounter I had written, and quickly rewrite it as a level one 3.5 version of ... Grendon. So Next month is the 5th Anniversary of Grendon's second Evah outing.

(Yes folks, in the original version it was a lot harder and a lot more gruesome. There really were Mind Flayers.)


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Members,

We still have only one game for the Big Meet, which is on next Saturday.

You may propose anything, even if not one-hundred percent sure to be able to run it.


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