7th Sea Adventures


For those who don't know, 7th Sea is set in 1688 in a kind of parallel world to our own (or least to our Europe), but with added sorcery, ancient artefacts from vanished civilisations, fey/goodly folk and other stuff. Many of the main European countries appear in the game, generally reflecting the most interesting parts of their history. For example, 'Avalon', where the adventure will be set, is a combination of the renaissance England of Elizabeth I and the mythic fairytale England of King Arthur. More on the game courtesy of wiki.

Compared to D&D (at least, the versions I know), 7th Sea:

* Is much simpler to play and easy to pick up on the day.
* Has no formal character classes/professions, so characters are much less specialised
* Is designed to encourage and reward swashbuckling, risk-taking, heroism, derring-do, ballsy-but-ill-advised-manoeuvres, and doing what's cool and fun and epic rather than what gives you the optimum chance of success
* Is relatively low-magic
* Is essentially "Three Musketeers: The Roleplaying Game" in tone and style
* Has a fairly simple combat system and therefore only limited tactical options
* Is at its best in non-combat situations (IMO)
* Isn't a spoof, pastiche, or parody, but, like the Musketeer and other swashbuckler films, doesn't take itself too seriously.

All welcome. You don't have to have played 7th Sea before. You don't have to have been to a Big Meet before.

The adventure I have in mind is mainly an open-ended investigation/mystery, with a lot of options and freedom of approach for the players. I'd like players to play their characters as characters, not as collections of stats. There will be combat encounters (depending on PC decisions), but if you prefer games where any investigation/mystery/talky bits is just a prelude to dungeons/ lots of combat encounters this probably isn't the adventure for you.

The scenario....

Autumn 1668, Carleon, glorious capital of Avalon. It is rumoured that Good Queen Elaine may finally rule within months on the long running legal case between the noble families of de Woodeville and de Beaumont. The bitter dispute is over the right to inherit the Earldom of Haverford in the county of Camlann after the death of Earl Richard Jarndyce, the last of his line. Representatives of both families rush to Queen Elaine's court, eager to make an impression and to press their claims. While the de Beaumonts dispatch no lesser person than the family patriarch, Earl William, the de Woodeville family boldly decide to send only young Edward, second son and likely heir to Haverford should the judgement go in their favour, and his entourage.

Briefly, some archetypes/character roles I have in mind...

Edward de Woodeville - party leader, gentleman, renaissance man, and all round dashing hero (Provisionally reserved for Laurent)
Annabel de Woodeville - His flighty, tomboyish, glamoured (magic using) kid sister (Provisionally reserved for Milly)
(+Possibly one more noble)

Finn - officially a steward in the de W's city residence, but actually the family spymaster/head of security
Yuri - orphan lad of mysterious origins with some unusual abilities....
Fillipe - aging Castillian (Spanish) fencing master and loyal family retainer (Provisionally reserved for Len)
Kurt - Eisen (German) mercenary bodyguard keen to build a new life for himself away from the horrors of war....

Contributors to this page: Adam and Laurent .
Page last modified on Sunday 24 of October, 2010 17:35:37 BST by Adam.

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