Bandaluthia Session 22


Bandaluthia Session 22

The party stood some way up the street. They could make out the Hartorian Consulate along the Breeg Highway. The nefarious members of the group – Shaniqua, Vandrel and Jacob – set out to reconnoitre the back of the property. The rest – Qu, Coolio, Gus, Höllenlord and Rätsel – relocated to the Turtle Inn across the road.

Led by Jacob the spies went some distance up one of the main roads, cut through a number of alleyways, and arrived at a tenement proximate to the Consulate. Sneaking in the communal corridor they went to the top of the stairs, which afforded a view of the back of the merchant premises which the Consulate was part of. Unsure as they were of precisely which building it was, Shaniqua sneaked out of the window, spider-climbing invisibly along the walls, until at the back of the properties. Sneaking to the first alleyway she realised it was not the building. The next she checked turned out to be the Consulate building. Sneaking back she relayed this information to Jacob and Vandrel. After a hushed discussion the three descended, leaving via the back door of the tenement. They climbed over the wall at the corner, and dropped into the Consulate yard. The windows were obscured on the inside, but the party crept to the steps at the back of the building, which descended to a metal door. The area at the bottom of the steps was damp and muddy, and Shaniqua observed some kind of symbol on the door. Since the time for their appointment drew near the group withdrew to reconvene with the rest of the Animals.

While Shaniqua, Vandrel and Jacob were absent, the rest went into the Turtle Inn and ordered some beer. Expecting some fine Elven wine, Rätsel was surprised that he was presented with what he could only describe as dock water. He had a sip, and drank no more. As the group sat they were approach by a large man who looked distinctly unsavoury. Folding his arms he stood next to the Animals, staring intently. The owner of the bar – “Gremag” – bustled over and told the group they had better move, and quickly, since this was “Barton’s favourite booth”. The waitress who had served the party – “Princess” – also came over and she ushered the party into another booth. At this juncture the party demonstrated a capacity for caution and common-sense.

About 7.50pm the group left the Turtle Inn and encountered the others coming the other way. The appointed time arrived and so they went to the front door of the Hartorian Consulate, and knocked. They were greeted by a butler, and when it was established that Rätsel was with them, they were invited in. Höllenlord and Gus sat flanking him, Jacob covered one of the other doors. Coolio remained standing and vigilant. Vandrel was jumpy, eyeing the exits. Qu sat on a chair by the corridor and Shaniqua cased the room and the exits. Two guards stood by the door and a servant boy was on the opposite side of the room. Presently, the man they had met the previous day arrived, and was introduced as “Moonlight”. Two further servants entered the room and walked across to the door opposite the Animals and Vandrel. Moonlight thanked the party for coming and informed them that they may all now leave, except for Rätsel. When this offer was declined doors opened and more enemies arrived: two more guards and a number of creatures, humanoid in appearance, with grey hairless bodies and large clawed hands. They had yellow eyes, with slits for pupils. All hell broke loose. Tables and chairs flew; servants transformed into strange creatures; moonlight struck with his longsword. Keeping a cool head Qu sent a shower of sparks into the faces of some of the creatures, temporarily blinding them. Gus and Hollenlord rose, still protecting the creatures’ quarry. Vandrel began to shout to the Animals to “get out” and moved towards the door.

The guards joined the battle and Jacob became cornered as creatures entered from the door he was guarding. Shaniqua tumbled into position and relived him somewhat, as Mutley bit the legs of the attackers. Vandrel continued to yell, shooting enemies and moving with seemingly wanton abandon, presenting opportunity attacks to the creatures as he screamed like a shrieker. Gus and Hollenlord confronted Moonlight, Ratsel offloaded charges from his Kaleidoscope, and the enemies began to fall. As he dispatched the last of the guards Jacob pulled a large sofa in front of one door, creating an obstacle for any further creatures that came that way. Coolio shot with his explosive bolts, though he did more damage to the fine decoration in the room than to the creatures themselves. As the guards fell, so they, too, transformed into these creatures of stealth and cunning. The tide of battle turned and, eventually, Moonlight fell, bleeding on the ground. The group had survived, for now.

The party began to take stock: Vandrel wanted Moonlight alive, but the clerics were too late and he expired. Meanwhile, Vandrel and Qu, who had both been struck by Moonlight, continued to bleed. Only when they were healed did their puncture wounds cease to haemorrhage. The group then went about making the room safe. They entered the room to the side, and went to a room at the back which had once been a kitchen. Vandrel barked orders, leading the group through, until Shaniqua put her foot down. ‘No, I’m checking this room again’ she stated, and promptly did so. At the door to the next room a full-scale argument broke out about methods of subterfuge and Vandrel told Shaniqua to back down or he would shoot her. She didn’t, he did, and an explosive bolt ripped into her abdomen. The karrenabbruch unfolded further as Qu shot Vandrel in the back. The latter then gripped his cloak and transformed into a bat, darting between the banisters, and disappearing upstairs.

There the session ended. What will happen next? Will the Animals and Vandrel be able to patch-up their differences? What, other than Vandrel, hides upstairs? What of below? If the party survive the first hour of play then these questions, and more, will be answered in the next thrilling instalment of Bandaluthia.

Contributors to this page: Len .
Page last modified on Tuesday 22 of June, 2010 18:49:52 BST by Len.

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