
holding page for Rumil's Letters

<CENTER><IMG border=0 alt=""
<CENTER><IMG border=0 alt=""
style="COLOR: tomato"><FONT face="Century Gothic"><FONT size=3>__''
face="Century Gothic"><FONT size=2>Atar, <BR><BR>I am writing you on the road
between Peurto Verde and Cuidad Verde. I am heading closer to home, and feel the
pull of our woodlands greatly. I have taken the opportunity to write a brief
note to Sinta and the Nessa, and now write to you on the progress of my Cuerno.
Sinta may have told you of our party, but we are growing all the time, we have
added a Rah'edan to our party. He is a strange beast, I have talked only briefly
to him so far but he is an Amandil of Correllon, and therefore deserves my
deepest respect. However he was enslaved and is without a holy symbol, or much
time for any of us, as his rescuers. He is a stranger to me, but I will
endeavour to understand him with hope of being at least a worth ally if not a
companion and friend.

As I travel seeing new races, and different places I cannot help but think of retracing the steps of Turgon Anwamanë. My Great Grandfather must have faced similar issues in being accepted into cultures he was a foreigner to. I hope he looks down from the stars of our village and sees his legacy is strong within my veins. My sword is a constant reminder of the great line I come from and has proves invaluable to me. Amin harmuva onalle e' cormamin.

I have already gained two clips on my Cuerno. The party do not seem to have fully grasped the idea of lending our services for clips and marks yet. But we gained a clip from a Glamhoth farmer for assisting him with a stump he could not get out of the ground. Most recently we were asked by one of tradesman on the road to go into the woods and collect one head of a Goblin each and bring it back to him in exchange for a clip. I can only assume we were sending a message to stay away from the path. They did not prove difficult, and although it was not strictly one kill per person, as the two Istars I told Sinta about were not as adept Ohtar as myself and the Taur'ohtar, Luthien but it was true team work.

tomato Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva, Amin mela lle, Eludilim ten’oio,


Eludilim Dictionary


tomato Anarya 13-Narie-700Ale'Eludilim

Amin noldo Atar ar' Atara,
I am deeply sorry for not writing you to you both sooner, I dearly hope you have not suffered any unnecessary worry on my part. Our mission got quite a bit more complex and dangerous. No doubt Megilar and A’meal have been keeping you informed when I have managed to pen a few lines to them.

I have now made it across the mountain pass relatively unharmed, we had a few times when things were not looking so good for us, but we have good companions with great sense, power and friends all of which helped us through. The Rah'edan I spoke to you about previously often causes more trouble than is necessary for us, and I am no closer to understanding this strange beast’s motivation than when we last spoke.

However our companion who seems to be Astra’s guardian or protector has proved noble and useful. Although he makes no secret of being there to look out for Astra’s interests he seems to wish him to fight his own battles and only intervenes in Cuerno related issues if we are in mortal danger. He leaves us free to make mistakes and choices between ourselves. His connections have saved us more than once while we have been travelling. The Ogre has also proved to be a formidable ally. He is wise and intelligent but somewhat strage to me also, he never seems to be an integrated member of our party, ands yet protects every member of it, even the Rah'edan, whom he doesn’t appear to like.

We have battled giants and their dogs as well as some other strange beasts which were sent after us. We only really got out of that situation from the quick mind and stature of Kor’Ath, the Ogre but are now indebted to the giant when we next return. For now we are free of it, and will have to formulate a plan to get back
through the pass.

I have now gained five brands and three clips, we have the mark of Belogard, Silindu, Tinwen, Tiran-gal, and Merryweather Stout, and gained another clip from a fish seller for assisting him in his sales. My Cuerno
is looking respectable!

tomato">Lissenen ar' maska'lalaith tenna' lye omentuva, Amin mela lle, Eludilim ten’oio,


Eludilim Dictionary


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Contributors to this page: Len .
Page last modified on Monday 21 of June, 2010 20:55:05 BST by Len.

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