Forum: Public Forum

Pathfinder Adventures

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Members,


This thread is dedicated to D&D/Pathfinder RPG games being run at Vague Connections in Nottingham.

Gaming group.

The composition of our gaming-group has been both constant and dedicated for a while now, but we welcome newcomers who are invited to check on the availability of games every now and again.

Game sessions and frequency.

In the past this was a Saturday afternoon gaming session but it is currently set on Thursday nights on a fortnightly basis.

Current game.

The Godsmouth Heresy

Run by: Ding

Game page: The Godsmouth Heresy


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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

From the Shore to the Sea

No taker so far from EMRPGG and only a couple of people interested from "Vague Connections".
The game is therefore postponed by a week and rescheduled for Saturday August 7th, 2010.

Register on the calendar event page as usual.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Members,

Since I cannot find any taker for "From Shore to the Sea" at the moment, I will cancel the call until end of September early October when students are back in town.
I guess most of us who have moved to the new site already have our own games to run or attend.

I got only one or two players from "Vague Connections" who were interested to fill gaps, but not enough to start the game proper.

Look in this thread for other potential "Pathfinder RPG" games to be run at "Vague Connections" or at the Monthly Big meet.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Members,

The September 2010 Big Meet "Pathfinder Adventure" will be "The Frozen Fingers of Midnight". This will run in the afternoon.

If you have any question about it, here is the place to ask them!


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Member,

This is a bit late to announce it, but this coming Saturday (August 21st) I shall be running "W2 - River Into Darkness" a module with an "Apocalypse Now" touch, or a "Heart of Darkness" one for those who know of Joseph Conrad's classic.

The game page is there:
River Into Darkness

And you can sign up Here


posts: 284

I've put myself down for it in the hope that I can make it. (Shame there isn't a maybe option) Appologies in advance if I cannot make it.

~moderator comment~
Nick. Please Note.
The use of square brackets does not work here the way you think. It is used for hyperlinks. Your use of it as you have above produces a broken link, which may negatively impact the rating of the group. I have amended your post accordingly.

Please use (round brackets) for brackets as {curly brackets} are also used in tikiwiki plugin modules, and might not always function as desired. You can use the B or I buttons to make things Bold or Italicised.

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


You naughty boy! I had already told you about the bracket thingy. surprised

The trick, if you just love using straight bracket, is to double the opening straight bracket like this "[[" (this takes four opening
straight brackets to produce by the way).
I have been trying to wean myself out of using them and now employs the "!" and "!!" prefixes for headers.

As for the lack of "Maybe" option, I do not mind it at all. A "Maybe" is as useful as no indication at all for the GM. This is because "Maybe" can say anything from "If I feel like it" to "Definitely will come unless caught by something more important". The former is insulting to the game, the latter conversely shows the dedication of the player.

Since one would nearly always explain their "Maybe" on a thread, as you have done, a "Present!" tag as we already have is more than enough.

See you tomorrow hopefully then,


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Andrew, Ian, James (if you can read this),

Thanks for playing in my special game of "Advanced Player's Guide" classes only. This was a great fun to run, my dice also worked properly

Overall feelings about the classes

The Alchemist seems to work as expected: half-deranged character throwing exploding stuff around.

We have all learnt how "advanced" the Summoner is. An interesting class I would say, but for dedicated players. I mean this is a tough class to play without flipping through three game mechanics books! The player obviously needs the "Advanced Player's Guide", then the "Bestiary" (for the monsters to summon) and on top of that the standard "Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook" opened at the Summon Monsters spell

Ian's Inquisitor has yet to shine with the incremental damage mechanic, but this sounds like a solid class "Paladin like" I would say without the LG/honourable bias.

As mentioned I would like to carry on with "River Into Darkness" next Saturday and those after that, as a testing ground for those new classes. As we mentioned before parting, the three low-level crew member mooks could magically turn into PCs and be played to accommodate the availability of the players.

Random encounters

Because the adventure could founder into potentially repetitive encounters, the following rule will apply: Only one encounter per traveling day, i.e. the afternoon and night will be safe. Also, since there will not be any more encounters, the party would be able to recover from any subdual damage during the quiet night (one point per hour), hence no need to roll the Fortitude Saves for the rest of the day.
I shall still ask for these to be done the following day, just in case an encounter happens during the afternoon or early evening. As mentioned before, subdual damage, fatigue, tse-tse flies, etc should affect the combat effectiveness of the party during this adventure.


The rumour that we created a PC for you then killed it during the first encounter is a false one. wink

We shall invite James to join EMRPGG if possible.

As usual, post your comments here.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


There is an errata for the APG that is being devised, however Jason Bulmahn (the man behind PRPG) has already given his views on the Inquisitor's judgment in this thread.

Basically it does not add up, stays static and at 17th level it gets boosted ny a +5 equivalent LV.

The interesting bits:

Here are the fixes.

Page 41: In the Slayer class feature, change the text to read as follows.

Slayer (Ex): At 17th level, an inquisitor learns to focus her judgment. Whenever an inquisitor uses her judgment ability, she must select one type of judgment. She is treated as if she were 5 levels higher for the purposes of determining the bonus granted by this judgment. Unlike other types of judgment, the one enhanced by this ability cannot be changed for the remainder of the judgment.

Page 41: In the True Judgment class feature, delete the sixth sentence.

Page 222: In the Flames of the Faithful spell, change the second sentence of the description to read as follows.

If you are using the judgment class feature, your weapon gains the flaming burst property instead.

Page 288: In the Jurist special weapon ability, in the first paragraph, delete the last sentence.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

The event is up for you to register.

vic posts: 10

hi i'm hoping to play on saturday, laurent kindly pointed me in the direction here to tell the others about hopefull new character.

would like to test out chevalier, standard halfling guy, dog mount if 4th level start otherwise wolf. looking forward to playing.



Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Andrew mentioned yesterday during our "Rise of the Runelords" session that you were going to join us.

As mentioned in my earlier reply to you, the party level is indeed LV4 and your riding dog may be kept on the barge without any problem. I will try to come up with an explanation for you to join the party without having your PC merely appear in a puff of smoke on the deck of the boat.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear players,

Good session on Saturday, I guess the Halfling Cavalier has joined the group in a believable manner. His knowledge of the bridge-cum-supply-station could come handy when you finally reach it.
We have not hit all the random encounters yet! eek

The encounter with the pigmys should have been a bit tougher had not I forgotten the rend ability, but you were entitled to your level earlier too; so I guess this evened out in the end.

This coming Saturday sees the September Big Meet in Derby. Not many people have signed in, but considering we are about to close the old Meetup site, it will definitely take place.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

I have put the next session on the calendar, please register now.

We have the optimal number of players, four, so I am not actively looking for additional players but I guess we could accommodate another one or two if people are desperate.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear players,

Not enough "River into Darkness" players showed up so there was no game on Saturday.
Instead we had a game of "Cuba", which amazingly I won for the first time!

On Sunday afternoon, we at long last managed to play a session of "Order of the Stick". This is indeed an incredibly long game, even at the minimum set-up of three floors.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

For those interested in the next splatbook in development for the Pathfinder RPG game, just check the Ultimate Magic playtest.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear players,

I forgot to drop a few lines about the game.

There was a tense encounter at "White Bridge Station", the Girallon was lovely. My dice rolls were lucky too, what can a GM ask for? biggrin
I mean four hits out of five, missing the bite for scoring the four claws, thus a rend at 20% missed chance, that was ace!

You will encounter more of those pesky Elven Rangers with bleed arrows. I shall keep the same approach for them: one point of bleed as long as an arrow is stuck and 1D3 damage when pulling it out - unless a heal skill at DC12 succeeds. Having the bleed damage stack would be too nasty later on during the adventure, for the PCs as well as the NPCs.

I should have played the Will-o'-Wisp after all, sure the Fell Flotsam was tough but... oh well... a tad less XP. confused

Next Saturday there will be that little side trip to gather a new archophage. For those who play in "Rise of the Runelords" the set-up of the next encounter may look familiar, no dam, just the set-up. This will be down to pure coincidence.

Alchemist, fog effect and other classes.

If I catch the idiot that has designed a class based on area of effect spell! mrgreen
I have nothing against the Inquisitor, a straight class with martial properties simulating a stern Paladin, this is easy to game against. The Summoner is fine too, but a serious burden on the player.

You do not have too, but if you want to swap your PC for another class, it is fine by me. This adventure can stretch the suspension of disbelief a bit more than usual as I do not intend to expand it into a mini-campaign. I am thinking particularly of James here, who has a pretty complex (annoying?) class to play.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

We may be welcoming Greg to the gaming table tomorrow.

I have just realised that I had forgotten to post the event for tomorrow, sorry, this has now been corrected.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

Entertaining climb, swim and acrobatic skill checks last time, this proves that building a PC is not restricted to "How to hit and damage things".

I think there are about three to four sessions left in this adventure. I will shorten the last bit, because we have nearly played all the random encounters in the table, doing so the party has gathered more XP, and levels, than expected hence the need to tone down the 35% encounter chance from now on.

No more Saturday afternoon gaming for me until October 23rd I am afraid. This coming Saturday is the Big Meet in Derby, and a week on Saturday I will be away for the weekend too.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

Our sort-of-weekly game will become a fortnightly game starting this Saturday.
Ian's shifts force him to work every other Saturdays, and to be fair, running two games per week is not always ideal. I mean I like running games, I am not saying otherwise smile, but at times "GM fatigue" sets in.

"River into Darkness" is about to reach its location end, but in fact a new adventure will set in as soon as the party reaches Nightfall Station. The adventure will become event-based, thus potentially more interesting as the PC's actions will dictate what the adventure should become. Interestingly enough, this will not be a choice between Good or Evil, but between murky and murky...mrgreen as in a "cannot make everyone happy" kind of way.

I might propose a very high level (LV18+) adventure after this one. Again, this will be an unusual game as I have never run anything at that level before. Playing, and especially GMing, definitely changes: Spells become far more central to tactictal combat, as well as weird special abilities from monsters; in other words: more preparation, more work, more focus.

Anyhow, sign-in if you have not yet done so and see you on Saturday around 2.00 p.m.

And please post on this thread. Right now it seems to be only a GM's noticeboard!


ian_t posts: 149 United Kingdom


there we go posted lol

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