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Recruiting for a 'Short' Armagada campaign

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

There has developed a small opening in the Leicester area schedule. I propose to fill it. Leah is not yet ready to replace 'Beholder', and the Armagada campaign is on a temporary hiatus. The new campaign will be a 'short' campaign, but not necessarily in the duration sense.wink

The reason I call it a short campaign is that it will be restricted to characters from two races only. Halflings, or Gnomes. Your choice of class from the 3.5 PHB starting at level one. Your choice of Halfling or Gnome, but roughly equal proportions would be nice for reasons that may never become apparent.

To make matters worse, you should know that in the part of my world where this takes place, Halflings and Gnomes do not get on particularly well. Each race has its legends about the reasons. The Halflings blame the Gnomes, and the Gnomes blame the Halflings. each believes that the races used to work well together in the distant past, but that there was some kind of falling out. in the dim and distant past, whose exact cause seems a mystery.

No one has any valid reason why they distrust each other, and there are even quiet instances of friendships between the races. These friendships are frowned upon by groups of Halflings or Gnomes, but individually it is sometimes different.

Imagine the childish attitude that all red headed kids are freaks and smell funny, apart from you Jimmy, you are different. You are my friend. However I might have to say you smell if my mates are around, 'cos they don't know you like I do. That is what it's like in this community among the adults.

There are quite a few humans, a smaller number of dwarves and elves around, but PCs will all be either Halfling or Gnome, and will like the other PCs whatever their race. (Except when others are around, when they might pretend not to like each other, cos it wouldn't do to get a reputation as a Halfling-lover or Gnome-lover.)

You will not be staying in your own community long, and there will be no openly hostile inter-party actions. You all secretly like each other. Its the rest that smell/steal/eat babies/wet the bed/look funny.

The game days/times/venue is yet to be set in stone, but it will probably be Tuesday Evenings alternate weeks at my place. 'cos I have a games room. That will severely limit numbers and priority will be given to suitable folks who can commit to a regular schedule. Naturally, if you are averse to playing a Gnome or a Halfling, then this campaign will not be your cup of tea.

Why only Gnomes or Halflings? Because I said so. That is what the campaign needs. You should also be aware that I like s bit of backstory, and your backstory can and may well be used if its good and I get the chance. However this is my world, and backstories will have to comply with it, so they should be discussed with me individually before you get too carried away.


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Apoc posts: 78

Going to be a very lost and confused Barbarian for sure eek so sorry in advance if i am clunky and slow to start with, i'll try my best to keep up biggrin

posts: 22

Well, Mike's going to play a halfling Cleric.

I was leaning towards Gnome rogue myself (or perhaps a druid).

Can we roll our characters in advance? Or do you want us to wait until we're there?

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

provided the rolls are reasonable, I have no objection to generating beforehand. In this game, you can only really cheat yourself out of fun.
Do not expect a party of short races to be taking on masses of overpowered baddies.

My style is role play heavy, & rules light.


posts: 22

That works for me, just how I like it! I'll make some rolls and post them a bit later. Is there a separate thread we should be using for character chatter?

Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Ooooow the campaign just went international! biggrin

I work with several Canadians and I rarely resort to beating them with blunt objects so my instinct is we'll all have a lovely time! smile
And your timely arrival could not be more, well... timely.
Although I did attend the 'other' university in Leicester, and I'm sure you'll soon be made aware of the rivalry between the two. I'm sure, just as these Halflings and gnomes did, we will be able to see past such petty differences though and live in peace and harmony. wink

If Mikey is going Halfling Cleric, and a suitable party racial mix would be 2 of one and 3 of the other, then we have 3 Halflings;

Mike ---- Halfling, Cleric
Rob ----- Halfling, Barbarian
Leah ---- Halfling, Sorcerer

So that would seem to put Trev and myself in the Gnomish camp. I have a Halfling Bard, and a Gnome Rogue depending on what races other folks went for.
So I guess I'll have to go Gnome Rogue, but I don't see why we can't have two rogues if that was your inclination too. Especially seeing as mine can't actually open locks... redface Traps; easy, Locks; not so much! Oh, incidentally, did I mention; my halfling bard - he has ranks in Open Lock though.

And I still maintain that annoying the DM with a party of 5 Halflings would be reasonably amusing. wink

Anyway, welcome Mikey and Trev! I hope ya have yaselves a great ol' time here!

posts: 22

OK, so apparently Mike changed his mind and is going Gnome Cleric, not halfling :-D

I was going to play Gnomish Rogue, so if you decide to go halfling, that side's now open! If you decide to go Rogue, I'll probably create a druid instead, although I've never played one before.

My Gnome is named: Raest Toki Ropetwist Slightlong Gergles (Nickname: The Rope, Smiles). He's Chaotic Good, and a bit of an arrogant dandy/showboat, and will bluff and faint often in combat to put his enemies off balance. He rolled Str. 10(12-2), Dex. 17, Con. 18 (16+2), Int. 10, Wis. 9, Cha. 13.

He can also disable device and pick locks effectively!

Thanks for the welcome, I'm looking forward to getting my D&D on!

Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Damn, I was hoping the decision would have been taken out of my hands! I don't know which character I would prefer to play now! Hahaha.

I believe I shall furnish our loving and benevolent DM with the backstories for both of them and in his infinite wisdom (Or on a complete whim) he might have a preference. As session numero the first is tomorrow and you pair'll be hurtling through the air at an unfathomable speed, you won't find out until Wednesday at least! biggrin

But if it makes you feel better I'm pretty sure Charlo the Halfling Bard will like Mr. Gergles, even if he is slightly better with a lock pick than Charlo is, although, if he is more of your traditional thiefy rogue we don't need the rest of the party; these two can go on a massive 'alternate shopping' spree! wink

And my Gnome rogue; Kallkin Kaarlnock Charimble Gulnackle, AKA: Spider, should not tread on Raest's toes, as his preferred tactic would probably be to let fly with a hand crossbow while climbing the nearest climbable thing. Although someone that answers to the name 'The Rope' might intrigue the experienced handler of rope that is Kallkin 'The Spider'!
And assuming the arrogant dandy/showboat is not a fan of hiding and sneaking about, I think the two rogues'll be great!

Oh, decisions, decisions! confused

Anyway, Mike and Trev: Have a fun and safe flight!
And Len, Leah, and Rob I'll look forward to seein' y'all tomorrow!

Apoc posts: 78

getting nervous now eek

So tomorrow at 7, what do i need to bring along with me?

I assume i'll need pen, paper/pad, die and charater sheet. Do i need to bring anything else?

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Sense of humour, desire for a good time?
Minis to show off painting skills?
Bribes for DM

Basically you.
I should be there in time. Because of what I do, there is a very outside chance I will be late, but that does not happen at all often. Charlie and Leah will also be there, so if you see people cursing, it will be because I have not let them in.


posts: 22

Hey Apoc, I may be over stepping here. But it seems like you might be a bit new to 3.5? I've only been playing a year or two myself. There are a couple great websites and tools you can use which are of a great help. You're probably already aware of some/all of them. But if not, here are some things I use: This website is basically a good resource site for almost everything 3.5

Heroforge: Heroforge is a great tool for character creation. Basically you input your stats and your weapons and it will calculate for you almost everything. It's a spreadsheet so you need Excel with macros enabled. Also, it outputs onto a printed standard character sheet. So if you're used to looking for information on one of those it's pretty easy to find what you're looking for.

Crystalkeep: This website has some great resource index sheets that help compile things like feats, spells and skills onto single PDFs, and then it lets you know where the original feat was first published. Heroforge also has all the feats listed within it, but these indexes are good if you want to do something like 'look for twohanded weapon specific feats' or 'all rage related feats' etc.

I hope some of that is useful to you. If not well, there it is anyways!

Also, I look forward to seeing some of your minis! I got into painting 40k minis for a while, but I was so terrible at it. I still have tons of them, but I'm leaving them in Canada.

@Charlie: Raest isn't so much a Thief rogue as he is an infiltrator/spy/duelist type of person. He's not averse to stealing possessions, he just prefers a standup confrontation as he fancies himself as a bit of a fighter (although his arrogance in that case is likely going to get him in trouble). I was torn between making him Chaotic Good or Chaotic Neutral. He's really somewhere in between. He's certainly Chaotic. He'll probably come off as a bit of a bastard at first, and some of his choices will likely be questionable, but at heart he's a good person.

Apoc posts: 78

Thanks for the links trevco!

I got into painting through the GW stuff years ago :-) Am painting up a massive 40k imperial guard up at the moment biggrin

So I better get painting then! :-) Barbarian is nearly done, the inquisitor/rogue is half way there and the mage has only just been started.

Drogo will be done for me to use at least :-)

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I prefer this version of the 3.5 SRD mainly because it is designed for quick reference at games. But also admittedly because its mine.redface

Also extremely useful for cut & paste into spell books. Its formatted especially to allow that.


posts: 22

Looks good, Len. I'll add it to my D&D Bookmarks! Yours does seem to be more organized.

Apoc: I played tyranid, so we both foolishly picked the armies with tons of mans!

I only ever played one 500 point game (and won!). Also, of those links I posted, I highly recommend Heroforge. Character creation becomes such a breeze, and you don't waste paper. So you can make a bunch of backup characters relatively easily if you're so inclined.

Ileandra Young posts: 116 United Kingdom

Uh oh. redface
I'm so tooooooooooootally not ready for this.

Better make my character up super duper quick! *flees*

posts: 22

Obviously, mike and I won't be there tonight. But have fun, everyone. I look forward to hearing what happens tonight.

Apoc posts: 78

Good luck with the relocation!

Jaxtasha posts: 111

Totally off topic but since fake charlie started it...

Go Leicester Uni!!!

    • sings* your dad works for my dad, your degree's worth nothing get DM used to it!!

Sorry I cant help mysely... University of Leicester is an excellent choice :-D

(stuart, you know I only jest)


Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

I would attempt to derail the thread entirely and start a slating match between the two unis but you really can't defend DMU students!
I remember going to see a Spanish friend of mine (AKA 'The Spaniard', he may have been a really tall Gnome) play a friendly basketball match between DMU and Leicester Uni. The Leicester lot brought a well made banner with them that read something like; 'Didn't get the A-levels you wanted? Get DMUsed to it!', which was hilarious! There was another, hastily scrawled banner: 'Leicester Uni is s**t!', or something to that effect. If anything the first banner was only improved by the second! neutral

Anyway hopefully Mike and Trevor have landed safely and will soon be able to make up their own minds about whether they made the right choice of uni! Hope you guys had a good flight and everything's going smoothly. I very much doubt it is, cause stuff always goes wrong round here, but we can but hope you've had an exception!biggrin

But more importantly you need to get yourselves up and prepared for the next session of G&H! surprised

A shame Leah couldn't make it. You need a spine replacement my dear! We missed ya'! sad
Rob did a beautiful job on his first outing. A little bit too well if you ask me... The barbarian (Drogo?) proceeded to surpass the miner Gnome in every conceivable way, at pretty much everything he is 'supposedly' trained to deal with, he clearly attended the Gnome equivalent of DMU!
From a bit of excavation, to tying rope, to climbing up and down said rope the Halfling barbarian came up trumps. The Gnome came up with rope burns!

I guess from that you could probably figure I plumped for the Gnome Rogue, so;

Rob ----- Halfling, Barbarian
Leah ---- Halfling, Sorcerer
Mike ----- Gnome, Cleric
Charlie - Gnome, Rogue

Trevor — Anything your heart desires (provided those desires come in a Halfling or Gnome sized package), and feel free to go rogue as you suggested earlier, as mine is proving himself to be on the wrong side of useless at the moment! lol

And I guess we have plenty of time to figure out where the other three characters are in relation to mine and Robs! wink
Oh, and cause Len is a veritable genius and all round super star, we have a couple of sand-boxes of fun to play in, in case they've gone unnoticed, although I gots no idea how to make the links work so you go find them yourselves you lazy buggers! biggrin

Apoc posts: 78

Drogo must of met a dwarf once :-)

Will try and put a bit more of a back story to Drogo Toe-chomper over the next week or so, now that i have a bit more of a feel for how things may go. Maybe i can figure out why he is so useless at dealing with common rats!

posts: 22

So we've landed, yesterday was a bit of a pain, but after 16 hours of sleep, I feel refreshed.

Since you're playing the gnome rogue, I'll make a halfling bard. Which was going to be my first choice anyways, but I didn't think there were any spots open for halflings anymore, so it all works out. Plus it fits the character I was going to play more anyways.

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