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Bandaluthia (again and still)

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I am proud to be a player in this game, and wish to see its history preserved. In order that a fuller history exists, I have ported the text of previous posts on the old Meetup forum here. I have taken the liberty of reinstating my name into my own posts as A former member is an affront which I no longer have to tolerate.
I do not have the time to port all images and other features used in the original forum, but the essence is here.

The Previous history of this game discussion.

Now, about this key.


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posts: 54

Have you ever heard "fools rush in..."?

As a DM I try to create challenges that are tough but do-able. All other times in this game there has been a ressurection clause. This event didn't have them because I have tried to make you all see that teamwork is important. Forget the how's and why's of the circumstances. There are many things that you as players overlook in a game where you know your characters are virtually iron clad and safe because of a DM who tries hard not to deliberately kill off characters.

One thing is certain about last night. You all performed in a way that suggests you do not fear enough. You knew there were hobgoblins on level 1, logic must dictate that other 3 levels would have contained obstacles. Sending in 1 character on 7 hp's to a blind situation with instruction to get his head down and "go for it" is damned stupid. Nothing short of suicide. Which it proved to be. I even provided luck which saw Milo fall on one of his slayers.

What is the next set of monsters to do? Wait until you are healed up? A kobold and a bugbear. Admittedly with molotovs but hardly a challenge. Had you have scouted, to which Jean-Luc did at level one, then you will have seen the threat, nulified it and got to the top. Weapons all back, gear and kit will have seen you safely pass the traps and out to freedom.

This was not a case of me winning. I don't DM to win. What's the point of me killing characters of people I class as friends? I hate losing characters myself. Killer DMs show a lack of compassion and I have urged you all in the past to use teamwork.

I believe it was complacency that got you all killed, that and the inaction of proper dungeoneering. People can be blamed and fingers can be pointed. The simple facts are we all try to enjoy a game off D&D and there are many more great sessions to be had here, IF we all learn from our collective findings.

Jaxtasha posts: 111

Lesson learnt I guess

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Lessons do appear to have been learned recently. I think perhaps on all sides.


Jaxtasha posts: 111

Do we think following Kharkin's quest would be a good idea or would it be better to let the beast die and just let him go and all roll new ones up? Im happy either way but guess it'll effect back stories etc

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I have done quite a bit of cathartic work on the Aasimar Paladin today. (and I must admit last night while actually asleep.) So I am all for Kharkin's quest. He does not have a character sheet yet, but he has already started to live. He uses a Great-Sword, but also has a Long-Sword dangling from his belt.


posts: 54

Having just had a rather "animated" phone conversation with Len (did the neighbours complain?) I shall let my defensive nature lay.

I have been made to see clearer with regards to the railroading that players felt. I suggest we draw a line under the sessions of the wee ones last adventure and move forward. If players want to continue in a quest for vengeance then it will result in more problems ahead. It is obvious and a proper threat to the trust we have as a group of friends. Retribution is ugly no matter how nessercary. If you still want I will DM it, but without any standing NPC's to help. I will take a neutral role (which I should anyway I guess) but I would rather not. New characters with the non evil stipulation would be my choice.

Let me know of your choices, and we'll take it from there.

PS: On a personal note, I am sorry for any ill feeling which I have created or extended. Plus, Len owes me some ear buds for the tongue lashing! I am glad it was on the phone, as I think he'd have used books to force home the obvious.

Ileandra Young posts: 116 United Kingdom

Eeeples. On one level I'm sorry I missed it and on another I feel a smidge relieved. In the simplest terms, it sounds like last night was a bit of a duff session that didn't go the way anybody was hoping.

That is not the usual style of game run at that table and I doubt it will happen again. I am happy to write up a new character in any case and see what the day brings us when we're all gathered about the table again.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

If one set of personal agenda's is deemed acceptable, why are others not?

If it is perfectly acceptable for one character to have the intention of wiping out the rest of the party, why ever should the rest not wish to hunt down and kill Sylvie? All it will take is some re-thinking and re-evaluating by those concerned.

The trust actually needs rebuilding. Both fences, and bridges need mending, but you are right, friendships need not suffer.

To this end, Retribution may be necessary, no matter how ugly.


posts: 61

Er, not sure what's happened here.

Sylvie didn't strike any deals that were too naughty.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

That's not what we found Bruce.

Perhaps everyone has been duped. Certainly no one enjoyed the session.

If Kharkin's quest is no longer on the table, neither is the Aasimar it spawned. He was born for a reason. If that reason is void, so is his entire story. - Sorry Mike.

I shall think again. mad

This time, I shall wait a few days until feelings mellow before I begin. Now an inspired character with a powerful history will probably exist instead in a very different young cosmos. The idea is too good to go to waste. I know of a God worthy of him.

My suggestion, for what it is worth is that ALL the "wee ones" without exception, and all their repercussions, plot hooks, and story lines, without exception, should never appear again in the game as PCs, NPCs or even legends told to scare children.

There were no pictures on facebook, so it never happened.

Some things taste so bad that even if not actually poison, they are inedible and should always be avoided in the future. This was a prime example.

A gang of NPCs blew up some monuments, they wre caught without exception, and without exception they were ritually slaughtered as punishment. Then that is the end of it.


posts: 61

What was Kharkin's quest?

Am I correct Sylvie dissapeared and the party all got killed? Maybe Kharkin's quest was to "do" Sylvie, and not in a nice way.

Anyway, I'm really sad that Thursday left a bitter taste. I'd always seen Sylvie as unpleasant, but otherwise quite loyal to the party. The nastiness was when she thought they needed to do things differently to survive. I'd hoped through repeated play that this would become understood. She wasn't that nice more generally (for example wanting to join the Assassin's Guild), but I felt others might actually begin to like her and she wanted to keep them alive.

More importantly, is my sister dead? Someone (or two) is not going to be happy ...

posts: 54

I will play the hunt for Sylvie if that's what is wanted.

Len, your Aasimar has a great story, and that certainly holds water for the other scenario I now have. Not retribution for an assassin to whom you don't know, but a much grander enemy in the shape of a former Emporer who is now believed to be a lich. Surely he could answer the call to be part of a strike force to find the ancient threat?

Bruce: we need to talk so you don't get the wrong ideas of my previous defensive retorts. Ring me.

Jaxtasha posts: 111


Well I am going to play an Air Genasi but although I have a really clear idea about it (not decided on gender) and its personality right now they could be many different classes, so what do people think we need...

they would make an excellent Cleric (probably of an obscure air god though) or a druid, or a barbarian so do we need boom, heal or smack?

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Mike is aware of my decision redarding the Aasimar. He is not on the table unless Kharkin's quest is. That is simply not negotiable right now. There are reasons not up for discussion.


posts: 61

Hi All,

I've talked to Mike about Thursday and the aftermath and he's filled me in on some of the detail. The misunderstanding that's gone on is quite sad really. This notwithstanding I want hassle-free roleplaying and I don't see that happening with this game in the future. So, I'm out.

I've enjoyed roleplaying with you all immensely. Good luck with the game.

Best wishes,

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Sad indeed.
This is not good at all.


posts: 54

The aftermath of Thursday night will be sorted out finally tonight. I will try to attract Bruce back to the game. Should I be successful then we will resume business on Thursday with "clear the air" talks.

Ileandra Young posts: 116 United Kingdom


posts: 54

It is with sad regret that I do this, but I am pulling the plug upon Bandaluthia. It has suffered terrible wounds which have now proved fatal to the game.

As it is my choice to do this, I ask for you all to accept my decision without question. I do not want contacting about this. I will remain a member of this outfit (unless I am omitted) but I will resurface when I good and ready.

I will not be a part of ANY other game until I wish to be again. I will not reply to emails, texts or answer phone calls on this subject.

In time I hope that things will calm down and I wish to roleplay again, but as it stands I do not. Please respect my requests.

Once again, I will apologise to you all for this and thank you all sincerely for the great time we had around my table.


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Well, that is a turn up for the books.

Your decision is of course yours to make. I really enjoyed Bandaluthia and am very saddened to see it end the way it did.

When you feel ready to offer some explanation I am sure we the players will be ready to listen.

DMs of other games you were comitted to might also deserve some explanation of the sudden about face. You are more than welcome to remain in the group. Should you wish to remain a member of the Game Manager group with the priviledges that brings, please let me know.


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