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Pathfinder Adventures

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Members,


This thread is dedicated to D&D/Pathfinder RPG games being run at Vague Connections in Nottingham.

Gaming group.

The composition of our gaming-group has been both constant and dedicated for a while now, but we welcome newcomers who are invited to check on the availability of games every now and again.

Game sessions and frequency.

In the past this was a Saturday afternoon gaming session but it is currently set on Thursday nights on a fortnightly basis.

Current game.

The Godsmouth Heresy

Run by: Ding

Game page: The Godsmouth Heresy


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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Fellow players,

Thanks for an entertaining evening. I particularly enjoyed our attempts, by Andrew, Ian and I, to play the most boring and generic characters ever:

  • One dimensional Barbarian
  • One dimensional Dwarven Fighter with toughness and weapon focus.
  • Healer-type Priest of Irori

To be fair to Amy, her PC was mildly unconventional: Undead-hater Ranger with heavy X-bow.

Game action.

We all had a decent bout of dice rolling, some awful, some great. It had been a while since I played an LV1 character. At the Big Meet I tend to run LV3 adventures so as not to have too fragile PCs.
The D20 roll indeed dictates the flow of the game far more than at high level where only a sprinkle of randomness impacts the game.

Kaer Maga.

I am terribly sorry for my meta-gaming last night. I hope it was not too disrupting. The problem is that I like the Varisian part of the setting and of course, as a Rise of the Runelords GM I tend to know way too much about Thassilon.

The setting book for Kaer Maga is "City of Strangers", which I recommend earnestly.

Basically the city is even more ancient than Xin himself, a powerful old Azlanti ruler who founded Thassilon. The story about Thassilon that you are engaged with in RotRL is in fact that of the era just before its fall... and that was ten thousands years ago already. Karzoug the Claimer himself made pacts with "elder entities" to use Kaer Maga as a prison for his most difficult cases. Therefore the city itself has a lot of Thassilonian history, hence the content of the ossuary we are visiting at the moment.
While the adventure itself is indeed very focused and, half-jokingly, merely about "Dead bodies are disappearing downstairs in the crypt. Pay some adventurers to look into this"; the setting of the adventure itself is far more detailed than its plot. I think we have the right selection of Knowledge skills to ensure our PCs will collect most of the information the author Rob McCreary has put in his adventure?.

Next session.

I have put the next game on the calendar for October 20th. If there are any changes to be made, let me know.


† Oops, sorry, wrong kind of expression from a different edition of D&D about to be buried by a forthcoming new edition. twisted lol

Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Cheers for the write-up Laurent

Just wanted to say I had a good time GMing, and I'm slowly getting the nack of which bits I should read out loud and which I should read in my head.

Also, trying to find my balance between reading things in the first and third person has been fun.


Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Need to cancel the game this Thursday as I have to catch up at uni. Sorry about that.

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Fellow Players,

I have put the event for Thursday on the calendar, a bit belatedly I must admit.



It should have been Thursday indeed in the text, the calendar event was right thought.

Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Is your comment in the correct secion Laurent? or should it read thursday?

ian_t posts: 149 United Kingdom

i believe that it should be thursday as thats when its on the calander for but sod it lets give it a go and play 2 games at the same time lets just not get the characters mixed up as 4 lvl 1 pcs going up against that demon will end very quickly lol

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


I have set up the next session on the calendar. I assume December 1st is alright with you.


Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Thanks, December the 1st is ok with me.

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The original document is available at