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Slumbering Tsar game

posts: 284

Moving the talk of this game, into it's own thread.

As it stands there is me and three players. Would be good to have one more. [Although I'm kinda thinking that if Ginga is able to host he'd probably join us]

4 players is good with me numbers wise.

Basics of the adventure path:
Starting level: 7
Races: any of the races in the core book.
Classes: Any from Core/APG/Complete magic/Complete Warrior. [Although no Summoner or Gunslinger]
Starting cash: 23,500gp

This adventure is a sandbox like adventure. You have the area of The Desolation and the City of Tsar open to you to explore/plunder. You can choose were you go and in which order you do it in. [Although a gentle GM pointer do the area of The Desolation first then go to the City of Tsar]

Just a side note (to make it a little easier for me) your characters are members of the Pathfinder Society. [It is up to you if you want your characters to have worked together before or if you know each other prior to setting out]

Your characters have been given an job by the Pathfinder Society to investigate the region known as The Desolation, and the deserted city of Tsar.[They have pointed you to the hamlet called "The Camp" as a home base while in the area]
The society is particularly interested in this area for two reasons.

Firstly the old trade route that existed through The Desolation if made safe would mean that the Society would have a significant advantage in trade between the Inner Sea Region and Tian Xia.*

Secondly, the history's of this area report long ago that the (now deserted) city of Tsar was a city held by Orcus. There was a battle between the forces of light and the forces of Orcus, which changed the nature of The Desolation.

Given the history's there must surely be many interesting relics that should be claimed for the Society so that they can be stored safely and be kept out of the wrong hands. The society would also be interested in further information about the battles that happened here as the recorded histories have many gaps in them.

They have mentioned that if you are able to make The Desolation and the City of Tsar safe, they would need a capable group to set up a Pathfinder Society Lodge in the area, and perhaps run the area for the good of the Society.

  • A note, I am placing The Desolation in the area of the Inner Sea called The World Wound. The city that you would have been given this assignment in would be Bard's Gate.

Almort (Ding): Lich Sorcerer
Rondar (Ron): Magus. Now an NPC as he fell at the feet of Orcus in a dream.
Mehilainen Kirkas (Mel): Cleric. Sometimes known as "the one armed Bint"

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Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

Well things got a bit hairy, and with altogether far too many legs, for a while there. Why do they need so many legs anyway? For walking over your face while you're asleep, that's why.

And we never even got her name or number...


Tonbo posts: 45

thanks for all the chips! a hairy experience goes someway to describing the situation i suppose... not sure lady luck was with the paladin last night, but at least there was some divine force smiling down from up above... thanks DM. Almort i think got the biggest shock though... greedy little halfling, maybe we could investigate that cemetry again to see if it will restore him ...and see how far the elemental can punt him this time.

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

Would anyone disagree if I said I thought we were within a whisker of a TPK there?

IMO the only thing that kept us all in one piece was burning those Buckets to keep the Paladin going. So yes you are welcome to them! If the Paladin had folded things could have gone very pear-shaped very quickly.

I mean what was that poison anyway? 28 POT and 2d8 STR per round or something?

I am going to take a stand here and say that is just bonkers.

posts: 284

Yep that encounter was hard.
Metagame wise the "easier" encounters are closer to the road and closer to the Camp.
That last encounter was (as I mentioned) the hardest (I think) encounter in the area that you are in. (If not it is in the top 3).

It was a CR12 encounter. You had a good chunk of xp from it.. and there is some loot about.

Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Almort is fickle, first he wanted the gem and then once he had it he didn't really like it, so he let the goody-goody cleric have it. Stupid permanent bane.

Well I'm looking forward to upgrading my sheet and seeing what new treats are coming my way. Well worth the dangerous battle with a huge eight-legged-beast.

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

Do we get to find out its name?

My money is on 'Gertrude the Hairy'.

posts: 284

She was an Ashbourn Arachnae Mother, known as the Brood Mother.

Tonbo posts: 45

That sounds ominous... Mother suggests to me that we should make a brave retreat to the surface and regroup before a Brood of hungry little spiders make an appearance.

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

"Mother suggests to me.. "
Hmm. That sounds a little bit 'Bates Motel' you know.
"Mother says that I must kill..." eek

But back to the matter in hand: I dunno. I think that mostly newly-hatched spiders leave the nest fairly early so:

(a) we are likely to bump into more of these peeps in the future - we should put some Resist Poison magic / potions on the shopping list.

(b) now that Gertrude the Hairy Bitch-Spider from Hell is dead there will hopefully (!) just be lots of eggs. If there are no 'alchemical' things we can do with them I say we just incinerate the whole place. Does Bard's Gate sell Napalm Canisters? 'Cos one of those would be pretty handy right about now.

Cheers biggrin

posts: 284

I think that a certain small Spell Caster who has a thing for gems has a spell that possibly would be of help. (Fireball)

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123


"I love the smell of Fireballed Egg-sacs in the morning..."

Not as catchy as the original perhaps but I'm sure we can make it work.

Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Speaking of which, I can't make the next session as I'm taking advantage of the double bank holiday and I'm going to adventure in the countryside,

I can pass my character sheet on to Jules and he can bring it in. All that's left to do is role my HD and someone else can play him for the session.

Or if it suited everyone and there's a space at Vague, we could play on the 14th instead of the 7th then carryon as usual from the 21st.

Looking forward to animate the bodies of those we kill to act on my behalf with Almort's new spell; Animate Dead.

posts: 284

Personally i'd like to keep the dates as is. However if i'm out voted by everyone else i could do it.

Ding posts: 204 United Kingdom

Leave it as it is, it's probably going to be easier and less confusing.

melociraptor posts: 86

Hi all,

I'm afraid I also won't be able to make it this Thursday... I can email my new character sheet to anyone to play, just give me a shout. (please don't get me killed :p)

posts: 284

If you want to email me your new character sheet I'll run your character this week if you like.

Hopefully Jules will be ok running Ding's character (or we could have either Ding's or your character standing at the back "AKF'ing" jumping in as needed)

melociraptor posts: 86

Will do, just checking it :-) Yeah, maybe Kirkas is too busy gazing lovingly at her shiny new treasure to pay attention to what's going on :p

greatzombieron posts: 28 United Kingdom

A somewhat smaller game this week, minus our requisite holy person and tiny spellcaster.
Taking down a hydra in three-four hits by ourselves was fun, though.

For those not in the game, i was granted a wish by a very evil outsider. Now i'm in possesion of the most powerful weapon in the game. (+3 Adamantine holy thundering warhammer ) And its making me bloody paranoid.
I gave it to jules, so if bad things happen, he gets it. ¬_¬

posts: 284

DM making players paranoid when I give them a (powerful) weapon for free?

I'm clearly doing something right then twisted

Tonbo posts: 45

Yup the most powerful weapon given to us for free by something very evil...Alarm bells are ringing. Now Kalos maybe starting to regret his good nature as he accepted to carry this thing around. Maybe we should keep our eyes open for black riders or unprecedented amounts of evil being drawn to us from afar.
By the way Almort and Kirkas are still very much alive and well. They didn't even have to lift a finger thanks to a devastating attack on the Hydra from our resident Fighter and a classy finish by Ron's character to put the beast down for good.

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