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Slumbering Tsar game

posts: 284

Moving the talk of this game, into it's own thread.

As it stands there is me and three players. Would be good to have one more. [Although I'm kinda thinking that if Ginga is able to host he'd probably join us]

4 players is good with me numbers wise.

Basics of the adventure path:
Starting level: 7
Races: any of the races in the core book.
Classes: Any from Core/APG/Complete magic/Complete Warrior. [Although no Summoner or Gunslinger]
Starting cash: 23,500gp

This adventure is a sandbox like adventure. You have the area of The Desolation and the City of Tsar open to you to explore/plunder. You can choose were you go and in which order you do it in. [Although a gentle GM pointer do the area of The Desolation first then go to the City of Tsar]

Just a side note (to make it a little easier for me) your characters are members of the Pathfinder Society. [It is up to you if you want your characters to have worked together before or if you know each other prior to setting out]

Your characters have been given an job by the Pathfinder Society to investigate the region known as The Desolation, and the deserted city of Tsar.[They have pointed you to the hamlet called "The Camp" as a home base while in the area]
The society is particularly interested in this area for two reasons.

Firstly the old trade route that existed through The Desolation if made safe would mean that the Society would have a significant advantage in trade between the Inner Sea Region and Tian Xia.*

Secondly, the history's of this area report long ago that the (now deserted) city of Tsar was a city held by Orcus. There was a battle between the forces of light and the forces of Orcus, which changed the nature of The Desolation.

Given the history's there must surely be many interesting relics that should be claimed for the Society so that they can be stored safely and be kept out of the wrong hands. The society would also be interested in further information about the battles that happened here as the recorded histories have many gaps in them.

They have mentioned that if you are able to make The Desolation and the City of Tsar safe, they would need a capable group to set up a Pathfinder Society Lodge in the area, and perhaps run the area for the good of the Society.

  • A note, I am placing The Desolation in the area of the Inner Sea called The World Wound. The city that you would have been given this assignment in would be Bard's Gate.

Almort (Ding): Lich Sorcerer
Rondar (Ron): Magus. Now an NPC as he fell at the feet of Orcus in a dream.
Mehilainen Kirkas (Mel): Cleric. Sometimes known as "the one armed Bint"

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Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

Re: 'pots and pans'... I think the Paladin will need Smite to get some of those properly clean. The Cleric casting Consecrate on them would probably be a good idea as well.

I hope The Camp has a KFC*, because I may be "eating out" in future.

* Kentucky Fried Chimera. Possibly.

Tonbo posts: 45

Come-on guys Kalos was gonna get up early and treat everyone to a cooked breakfast, as a way of celebating our new venture into the boutique hotel business- the previous owners having 'retired'.

posts: 284

Well I suppose as it was the Paladin that made the "mess" in the kitchen, the phrase "Holy C**p" may well be factually correct.
Especially if the Cleric comes along and consecrates any of it!

If Ron or Ding's characters have Prestidigitation prepared.. they could "sell" uses of the spell to the Paladin.. for a healthy donation of course!

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

A few random thoughts on the Inn.

I was thinking we might introduce The Camp to some al fresco dining - put some decking down around a stone fire-pit with some rotisserie-grill stuff on it. Then after a hard days adventuring we can kick back, open a few tinnies and shoot the breeze whilst barbecuing whatever we've killed that day. We can still get a few burgers off that Hill Giant I'd bet. We could rename the Inn 'Rings of Fire'. People will think it's a reference to the circular bbq pit but we would know better.

Alternatively we could always give the place a quick 'Osirian' re-theme: a few obelisks by the doors, some hieroglyphs on the walls and a few statues of jackal-headed dudes dotted around the place. If we were feeling particularly esoteric we might convert the dining room into a chill-out zone with some bards playing background ambient flute effects, and call it 'The Flute and Calm Inn'. +300 XP to anyone who is following my train of thought on that one. Or we could just stick with 'Inn Hotep'.

Having said all of that we would still need to okay it with Spooky Evil Guy - by which I mean the bloke in the Blacksmiths... not (necessarily) the DM.

posts: 284

If your going to give XP Tim, it can come from your share of the XP that the genouros GM give out lol!

The Hill Giant's body has already been taken care of by a resident of the camp you have yet to meet. (He will also be taking care of the Bender Brothers once it is known that they have died!).

As for taking over the Inn, well, the Usher will be having some words with the group about that in the (in game) morning. (He'll also be having words with the Cleric and Paladin too about another matter mrgreen)

Assuming that the Usher is ok with the team taking over the Inn, you could certainly go for re-decorating and re-naming it. You may also need someone (either a team member or an employee) to run the place when you are out exploring.

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

I had a feeling that the Hill Giant's body might not remain 'unmolested' (so to speak) for long. That is a shame as I would have liked Forensics to have a quick look at it. No matter.

Re: the XP. Of course I would not dream of stepping on your toes and giving out in-game XP. Obviously I am referring to Real-Life* XP. My 'Honorary Q' status within the Q Continuum allows me, every 2d6 days, to gift someone a small amount of XP for succeeding in some quirky whimsical task...

* Assuming, I suppose, that we are indeed in "Real Life" and are not just PCs in someone else's game... surprised

posts: 284

Well if your giving out Real Life XP.... I'm due a level in "Evil GM" mrgreen

Although I think the local "undertaker" in another interesting character of the camp. Could end up in a fun encounter!

greatzombieron posts: 28 United Kingdom

Hope to see you dudes ( and lady) Again Tomorrow. Hopefully now we have a base of operations we can begin the nitty gritty of exploring and doing the standard RPG things. Namely kill people and steal their stuff.

melociraptor posts: 86

Yep, can't wait :-)

Kirkas has an early morning errand to run, for which she will be requesting the help of Kalos if he is willing. I'm mentioning this now because it makes me less likely to forget to do it tomorrow...

posts: 284

PC's having early morning errands to do! What is the world comming too razz

Well the party does have a lot of cleaning up to do!

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

@Mel: tbh I was going to suggest that the Divine Duo be conveniently 'out for a walk' when the Usher pops round for his morning tea, so that might work out just fine.

Just promise me that your mission is not to Consecrate the Blacksmiths....

Tonbo posts: 45

Thanks all
Another very enjoyable game with some nailbitingly tense engagments.
And next time I promise to be a bit more organised and know how to roll a dice, and why I'm rolling it.

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

Yes indeed, another packed-with-jam installment.

Undead, Demons and Pervy Inn-Keepers might all be in a days work for us adventurers but when a campaign throws Gold Blend and Milk Tray at us then you know things are about to kick off.

Additionally, my copy of the Pathfinder Rulebook lists 'DM doing an impression of the Ferrero Rocher advert' as an encounter with a 'Challenge Rating' of 11, so hopefully we'll get some good XP for surviving that one. biggrin

TTFN dudes (and dudette)

posts: 11 United Kingdom

Hi guys!!

Laurent sent me over here, saying there might be a bit of room for a couple of newbies?

It sounds like you guys are kinda full, but, you know, worth a shot.

So do you have any room for 2? I promise we'd be good and we'd even bake cookies!

posts: 284

Hi Coolcat. Apologies, the game is full. Although if we ever look for new people I'll keep you in mind.
Although if you are free on every other Saturday, I know there are Pathfinder Society games that run at Vague Connections. I think the next one is next Saturday (5th May) if your interested.

Tim/Jules ... glad you both enjoyed the game. Not sure that my (bad) Ferrero Rocher advert impression (or the references to other 80's adverts) technically count as an encounter. But yes the dual Vrock Demon encounter would be a decent amount of experience!

posts: 284

Just picking up something Mel mentioned in the game around the use of "Hero points".

We could use this if everyone wanted to.
If we were to use them the way I see this working is as follows:

PC's have 2 "bennies" per session. Max 3
Named NPCs have 1 "Benny" per session Max 2
GM has 3 "bennies" per session.

They can be used to re-roll a d20, before the result has been reviled.
The person making the roll can choose the better of the die roles.
Bennies can be used to help an ally.
GM bennies can be used to help the PC's or the NPC's as required.

Bennies not used in a session are lost. At the beginning of the session the total resets to 2.

I could give a bonus bennie to an NPC or PC,(up to the maximum noted above). This would be as an award for "awesome" acts. (EG a really novel way of resolving an encounter, an act of selflessness to help the party.) The award of bonus benies in any given session is not guaranteed.

Let me know what you think. If this is something that you don't want adding that's fine.

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

Sure we could give it a whirl for a session or two and see what happens.

Personally I would envisage myself using Hero Points in only 3 situations:
1. Attack Roll Fumbles
2. Saving Throws vs Death
3. Healing / Stabilising a dying PC

Having a bit of a 'safety-net' to keep PCs in play is always good.

One minor issue: could we rename the points - as 'Benny' just makes me think of Crossroads. We could call them 'Buckets' instead - only it is pronounced 'Bouquets' of course.

Also: you will be getting us in trouble with Len again with these [broken links] of yours...

posts: 284

I just know the Hero Points as bennies. (As its easier to say than Hero Points). But we could rename them to what ever we want.

They could be used for and D20 roll. So this would cover attacks, saves and skill rolls. Could also be used for Concentration checks and checks to over come Spell Resistance too.

Tim the Enchanter posts: 123

What I mean is that, given that this campaign has proven so far to be a little dangerous, it might be reckless to spend them on things that aren't directly keeping a PC alive. Points might possibly just be kept mainly as an insurance against sudden PC death. I know you said that "Bennies not used in a session are lost" but I'd rather lose Bennies with a live PC than use them and end up with a dead character.

So making the Hero Points very dynamic might sound good in theory but in practice just adds more clutter for the DM, and the game, to keep track of. Also the idea of the DM having Bennies does begin to sound a little 'Players vs DM', to me anyway.

I specced up a 'Fate Point' system for a Stormbringer Campaign a little while ago and my personal preference was to make these points rarer, more static but more powerful. Minimal book-keeping but still gives the PCs a safety-net. But this all does depend on how the other players will choose to use these points and what sort of campaign atmosphere you are aiming towards.

Still, who knows? Maybe the only way to find out for sure is to just jump in, give it a go, and see what happens?

Cheers biggrin

posts: 284

When I said "Bennies not used in a session are lost" I was more refering to the point that they do not roll over to the next session.

Granted there use would likely be more often used to re-roll an attack role or a save, but the option is there for using them for a skill roll if needed.
There is the downside (as you point out Tim) it does add a level of complexity to the game for all. (As in you have to remember you have them and how many you have used).

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