Forum: Public Forum


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

The East Midlands Roleplayers Gaming Group (Formerly The East Midlands Roleplayers Meetup Group) has a new home.
Welcome to our new home. I hope you will find it as comfortable as the old home, if not at least in time even more comfortable and useful in providing a means to find your gaming fun.


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Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Welcome to the group Jongofet.

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

Welcome Jon!

The easiest way to understand the game is to get stuck in and you've come to the right place. We play all kinds of games and I think there are a good few 4th edition players around these parts.

Our 'big meet' takes place on the 2nd Saturday of the month at The Barley Mow in Leicester which is just a two minute walk from the train station. The next one being on Saturday 11th January and it would be great to see you there.


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Did you delete the post that cured the page count bug Bruce?

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

Oops, sorry!

Ironic isn't it though? Computers were designed to make counting easier!

Jongofett posts: 6

Ok cool will see what i can do and what i can get to i have 2 lil girls so can be tricky sometimes!! you recommend i try making a new character asap or do it when i meet you guys so some advice can be thrown my way??

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

We may not be playing 4e next month but I'm sure you'd be able to get some help and advice.

The games played at the monthly meet vary depending on who goes and if anyone has prepared a game to run. Last month I ran a short Labyrinth Lord (a variant of an older edition of D&D) session, the month before Josh ran SLA Industries (A sci fi rpg) Things vary depending on how many people attend and what people want to play, sometimes just board and card games or a mixture of those and RPGs.

We have a fairly small core group of regulars at the moment though so whatever game is played is always accessible to everyone and you're sure to be made welcome.


posts: 1

Hi, seems that I'm new here. I have moved to Loughborough couple months ago and am thinking of joining or starting a game. I am quite keen on playing urban/noir games, with classic World of Darkness being my favourite (Mage the Ascension is still the one for me, new WoD simply pushes me away with lost potential). I had some experience with DnD and homebrews, but not that frequent. I do not like hack'n'slashes or dungeon crawls, but prefer investigation, drama, intrigue and non-combat challenges. I feel competent enough to GM such games, I have the most experience in classic WoD flavours, with my campaigns usually being crossover sandboxes.

Do you know of any games that I could like that also need a player? I think I would like WoD, Call of Cthulhu or Shadowrun the most, but any roleplay-oriented game would be alright. Or conversely, would anyone be interested in starting such a game with me as the GM?

posts: 9 United Kingdom


If you were willing and able to travel to Leicester, I would be very happy to host a game at my flat, of the type you describe and with you as the GM. And I know of one other person who would be very keen on playing such a non-combat game in Leicester. I have no experience of the systems and settings you mentioned, but am keen to learn. I haven't been playing long - my limited experience is with D&D 3.5e and a few one-offs in other systems. My friend has longer and wider experience. We both get frustrated at times with gaming groups who are more interested in combat and spells than roleplaying and atmosphere.

At the moment, Thursday daytimes and Monday evenings are best.

You should be able to "send me a message" using this forum, by clicking on my username and following the links if you want to communicate in private.

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

Hi and welcome to the group.

I'm also in Loughborough and I might soon have a spot in a game though it's probably not your cuppa tea. I'm currently running Labyrinth Lord (an old school D&D retroclone) Right now we're running through Stonehell which is very much a dungeon crawl, though I do try and mix it up with role play opportunities when I can.

Thanks for taking time to post and feel free to check us out on facebook, google+ and twitter too if you use any of those.



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