Forum: Public Forum


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

The East Midlands Roleplayers Gaming Group (Formerly The East Midlands Roleplayers Meetup Group) has a new home.
Welcome to our new home. I hope you will find it as comfortable as the old home, if not at least in time even more comfortable and useful in providing a means to find your gaming fun.


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posts: 5

Right have signed up for the Hydras Fang Incident hopefully my noobishness won't hold up the game for anyone else. Will bring pen, paper and think I have some dice somewhere I'll try and dig out. Anything other than booze and food money needed?

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Dress code

Booze and food money is fine but do not forget to put on some clothes too! smile


Thanks for choosing the Hydra's Fang incident, however I would like to say that I would not mind cancelling it to play in Bruce's game myself.
I like running games but I also like playing in them too and I have not been doing much of the latter recently.


posts: 5

yeah no worries I'll play whatever so feel free to cancel and I'll play in the other one instead. Not a problem.

posts: 1 United Kingdom

Hi there,

Just signed on and at some point would like to get back into gaming. I have in my time played many games, and still buy new ones even if I dont know anyone else who plays it. I guess you could say I am a collector.
Anyway my plan is to mooch about a bit and try and get along to a monthly meet when time allows.


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Welcome Dave.

Coming along to a Monthly Big Meet is about the best way you can get back into gaming. You're not the only one who collects gaming stuff around here. I know more than one member with more books than absolutely necessary. More dice than would seem to be needed, and more minis than anyone can use in reality too. As for board and card games, well lets just say we have some collectors there too.


posts: 6 United Kingdom


I'm a GM with 30-ish years experience looking to find a new home.

So I am here looking for a few players.

My custom is to offer players a number of pitches. but without players I am stymied for direction.

So...might I post pitches?

Thanks to Len, I now know to post here, thanks for that!


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dave, Badgerblue,

Welcome to the group, with late welcome for Dave.

Indeed you can do your pitches for your game(s). We welcome new players but potential GMs are even more
As a member you can create your own thread, so post away.

Some quick pointers:

  • The first post on a thread is always visible first on top of all subsequent pages. Try to make it as informative as possible.
  • If you want to advertise a game, you'd better create a "page" for it. There are many examples on the site. A page gives you more freedom and space than a mere forum post.
  • Avoid using square brackets [] these are part of the TikiWiki code for external links. Avoid double parenthesis (((() too as these are used for internal linking to "Pages". Unwanted links are broken links, thus they hit the ranking of the site on search engines. Len can give you a better lecture on that than I can. smile
  • The "Members Only Forum" is for more internal matters: Organisation, website, suggestions, funny posts, etc. The policy is to have all game related stuff on the "Public Forum". Google, Bing and other bots trawl on the public section of the site, thus people can find us from their own searches. The more activity, the more referrals we can get.

Once you have attracted interest and end up actually running something, you can be made a GM, thus you would be given the right to post your own events on the calendar. Send a PM to Len or Alan to see you profile upgraded.

As pointed out by Len, your best bet is to run a short game at our Monthly Big Meet.

Do not be disappointed if your call for a GURPS game goes unanswered on the forum though. Members are more likely to look for more conventional games of the "D&D" sort. Members also tend to play with people they know or have met before, which makes us go back to the Big Meet. Also, members usually ask to join already existing games, but somehow feel shy about joining a game that has yet to start. So again: come along at the Big Meet if you can.


Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Hello and welcome, there have been a couple of new folks looking for games in the last few weeks one of which at least was interested in non-dnd stuff so I just posted links on that thread. Hopefully that'll get the snowball rolling and see a new game coming together sooner rather than later. smile

posts: 6


This is just a short intro to say hello to everyone.

I haven't played any RPGs for a while, but I've missed them and am looking to get back into a game if I can find one. I've played a bit of D&D (but only 3.5 - this was just before and around the time of the 4e release) as well as Dark Heresy (you probably all know that is a Warhammer 40k RPG) in campaigns, and a few other systems as one-off sessions.

I'm mainly looking to play games, but I'm happy with a number of systems. I've never GM'd before, but I wouldn't rule it out. I also like various card and board games, and I see there are some events for that here, too.

I'm planning to head to the big meet this weekend, so hopefully I'll see some of you there.


Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Getting to the big meet is an excellent first port of call. We shall be keeping an eye out for you and hopefully get that gaming urge seen to pretty quickly.

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Welcome to the group.

Just to extend on what Alan has just said, depending on where you live, you should see nearby regular games and events on the calendar. Depending on the time of the year, the site tend to show more or less activity from the Leicester, Nottingham or Derby areas.
The best bet is to look at something you want to join and post in the relevant thread on the forums. Most games (series of one-shots, campaigns, etc.), or board-game events have their own thread.
If not, they should at least have a point of contact in their calendar event description, or just PM the author of the calendar event.
Do not hesitate to post in an old thread to try to see if people would be willing to restart a game or activity. The website notifies people who started a thread when someone posts in it.

Of course, to be sure to meet at least a few EMRPGG individuals, show-up in Derby once a month for our monthly gathering.


posts: 2 United Kingdom


I'm new to D&D, I somehow missed out on discovering it during my teenage years. I do play online fantasy RPGs though, so I'm familiar with the concepts.

I'm looking to learn to play with a group of mature folks. I'm flexible about nights/weekends, though something in the Nottingham area would be better for me since I don't drive.

I guess I'm looking for a new or young campaign, with a group that wouldn't mind helping me learn the rules. Or maybe just watching a game or two first would help?

I've read around your forums and calendar a bit, seems like the only games explicitly mentioned are full, but maybe that's not all that's out there, or I don't know what I'm looking at/for. Any advise on how to get started would be welcome, or any groups that would be suitable.

Heading over to Derby for the Big Meet sounds like a good idea too.



Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

You have done possibly the most constructive thing you could have done. Letting folks know there is a player out there without a game. Where you are, and what you are expecting will most likely result in someone offering to let you in on a game in the not too distant future.

Heading to the big meet will allow folks to meet you, and people are sometimes easier to fit into a game once they have been met so to speak. It is easy to go from being a stranger to being a friend at the big meet.

We are a lot more active than the board and calendar might have you believe. Not everyone puts their games on the calendar. Laurent, get this new player into a game in your territory. (And by that I mean Nottingham, not France.) eek


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Welcome to the group.

True and fair observation of the calendar's contents: The Nottingham games are indeed full and tend to be high-level.
However, there is something that is not on the calendar: The Pathfinder Society games that are run at Vague Connections on Saturdays. I never know which Saturdays exactly, but I think it is fortnightly.

Note: I consider D&D 3rd Edition to have been the best so far, it has been revised to 3.5 and Pathfinder RPG is, to me and to many, technically a revision of the "revised" edition that 3.5 was. So in other words D&D is Pathfinder RPG and reciprocally. You, and others, are free to disagree with this statement.

The shop is there on Bing Maps.

The Pathfinder Society scenarios are very short adventures, usually for low-level characters, thus represent a very good way of learning the game. Drop by the shop and ask about it.
The only negative here is that the "mature players" are those who are playing the (full) games during the week, you may find younger people on Saturdays.

I own the Pathfinder beginner box, but have never really had the time to play with it. It is a very nice product and is sold at Vague Connections of course.

The weekly board-game sessions at Vague Connections are always open to new blood by the way.


Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Hello and welcome Sarah. Full games are a bit of an issue but it tends to be the way once a game starts they fill over time and keep going. Do try and get along to the big meet if you can as it definitely helps to know who you are talking to and getting the chance to play among other things.

Apart from that adding a thread in the forum to the tune of "looking for a game around Nottingham" wouldn't harm since folks who only scan the forum and might not check this thread are much more likely to see that.

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


I forgot the "Icewind Dale" campaign at Vague Connections, this is also a Pathfinder/D&D game.
It is on tonight (Thursday January 19th) and usually every other week.
As you may have noticed, not all the games at Vague Connections are advertised on the calendar, so one needs to ask at the shop.


posts: 2 United Kingdom

Thanks for all the responses.

Sounds like an exploratory trip into town is called for. Especially since it's awhile until another Big Meet, guess my timing was badly off there!

posts: 6

Same thing happened to me joining just after the December Big Meet. I made it to the January one, though, and it was well worth it! Had a great time and met great people. Hopefully we'll see you at the one next month!

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Welcome to the group Lucee. Glad we got the registration glitch sorted OK. We seem to have a rash of email address errors recently. Luckily the system lets me know.

Its nice to see you here as well as in the empire. Dundoon also welcomes the elf maid back to the land of the living. That was quite some fight last night, pity you were unconscious for a lot of it. rolleyes


Lucee posts: 9

Well I am a retard and my phone isn't much better.
With regards to that fight; I wasn't unconscious, I was roleplaying!

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