Forum: Public Forum


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

The East Midlands Roleplayers Gaming Group (Formerly The East Midlands Roleplayers Meetup Group) has a new home.
Welcome to our new home. I hope you will find it as comfortable as the old home, if not at least in time even more comfortable and useful in providing a means to find your gaming fun.


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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Hello there,

I have just moved from the temporary "old new site" to the "new new site"!


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

... and welcome you are Laurent.
I just gave you some permissions, so next time you log in you will see more "stuff" and can do more "stuff".

Registered members can do lots of things, but there are other more specific things allowed by arrangement.


Jaxtasha posts: 111

Well I'h here and I have set me up (i think)...urgh change!!!

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

You will see more stuff too, as I gave you some permissions.

posts: 284

Ok this may be a very very picky thing.. but I am looking at the site at 23:10. On the 5th June.. but the site is coming up as a "past even" the D-Day Landings Anniversary which is on the 6 June.

I realise it is a little thing but just a thing that I've not missed an event that has come up as a "Past event"

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I have been trying to find a way around that particular bug for a while Nick. The module is the same one that shows the events above it. The parameters are a bit odd. It has two parameters, one for how far forward to look, and one for how far past to look.

If you leave the past parameter blank it does not look back, which works for the Coming Up list. But if you leave the forward parameter blank is assumes 365 days. If I set it at less than 1 it also shows 365. If I set it to zero, it shows 365. The smallest parameter I can set it to is 1. This means it looks at tomorrow.

Eventually I or one of us Admin people will manage to hack the code to work properly, but until then, all I can say is "yes Nick, you are right, it IS a bug."

Edit : I took a bit of a look in the code, and it would appear it may not be the module at fault, but the basic calendar functionality at fault.


posts: 54

Hello? I think I've done it ok, I am a little bit tipsy...

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Was it a good BBQ then Mr Tea Maker?
Welcome BTW cool


posts: 284

A wonderful upside about the new site .. if there is a bug it is someone I directly or indirectly know is going to look into it.. the personal touch!

Dunno about anyone else on this one but the 6th June I try to honour as my granddad was involved in the landings.

Ogri Big Axe posts: 8 United Kingdom

Congratulations on the opening of the new site. A big thank you to all those unsung heroes who put in loads of time, effort and money to make it happen.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Damn that's a big axe !


Mik posts: 48 United Kingdom

Hi everyone, have made the jump to the new site and good luck to all on a smooth transition.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Thanks Mik, you are now able to play with the calendar and post your games. It will take a bit of getting used to, but I am sure you will be able to figure it out.

Let me know if you need any guidance.


Alfie posts: 12 United Kingdom

It took me awhile to find the register button, it blends with the “forgot my password” button too well so you might want to change the colour of it or something.

Roger posts: 3 United Kingdom

Massive thankyou to all involved in getting this site live. Is there any way us minor members can contribute a little financially?
Once again thanks to Len and the team, very much appreciated.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

We will probably have to return to the "jar" method that we used to use.
I am able to take the strain financially at the moment, as it has all been paid for for a while. My own little company Handmade Software is currently our top sponsor because of that. But ultimately we will probably need to get back to the donations method which worked before when we needed to be financed.

If you wish, you can collect odd change from players at games. Aggregate this, and bring it along to Big Meets, or pass it to one of the Admin Team, who can then get it to who ever the Treasurer is to be. I always used the "Jar" method, where a jar with a slot in the lid was placed on a table at the Big Meets. Entirely voluntary donations.


MarkB posts: 1


Good to see it's all up and working properly biggrin

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Properly is a relative term. lol I see all sorts of flaws, but then most of those I am actively working on.


Ogri Big Axe posts: 8 United Kingdom

Thanks Len, have uploaded a thumbnail sized avatar......apolgies for temporarily having an enormous Ogri Big Axe

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

In theory, the system should have been able to re-size your image and display it in a more appropriate scale, but you seem to have frightened it with your big axe, so it could only quiver and cower when faced with such a gigantic weapon.

Its good to see the West Midlands represented her too. I watch with interest as your group begins its expansion now. You are going to be a busy little boy for a while I fear. What with the new job and all. You have probably reached the position I did some years ago, where you just cannot simply make it to all the games there are running. Its a sign we have waited for, but it is finally happening. Well done Jezza.


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