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The Hollow's Chronicles

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Glad you enjoyed the game.
I was amazed, purely amazed, at the fact that the gaming group actually spent a good ten minutes - if not more! - discussing strategy before even starting. This has never happened before as the common strategy is "Open door... I sing... CHARGE!... Cleriiiiiiccc !!!!"wink

Of course, you needed not be astonished for that long at the apparent required level of tactical thinking after the second encounter, when things went back to normal. I just loved the fact that nobody said anything when the Barbarian and Cleric decided to go down a dark tunnel all by themselves, thus splitting the party and bringing back with them a Dire Bat and a Gargoyle! The party got very lucky when putting the Gargoyle to sleep, this one was a walking PC meat-grinder with its five attacks.twisted

Next month I expect "Hollow's Chronicles" to be back at the evening slot, potentially allowing me to play in an afternoon game.

Second strange Big Meet in a row. The last one was sort of deserted and this one never saw the football-heavy hordes swarming the pub mid-afternoon either. I honestly had in mind to pack up and go as soon as I was about to hear a "Threeeeeeee lions on the shirt" or "Vindalooooo Nah Nah!" but it never happened.
The streets of Nottingham city centre - I had to do a trip to Tesco late afternoon - were also not as crowded or "alive" as I expected. Well, it was a pathetic 1-1 draw in the end in any case, but at least England got to score a goal, which the French could not even achieve against Uruguay, which makes me grin.biggrin

See you next month,


The original document is available at