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Recruiting for a 'Short' Armagada campaign

Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Woohoo, excitementations, and all that 'short' of thing! wink

This distrust and hostility that no one seems to really know how it all started between the Halflings and Gnomes - Did anyone make a popular board game out of it..?
Just wondered...

Anyway. I've just been to Halflings R Us and it seems they have a deal on at the moment, for a nominal fee I might get Charlie Halflingised. Lose a few feet and the dancing (And therefore the associated Prestige class that meant he wouldn't actually be playable until about 5th level anyway), keep the harmonica and we're sorted!

Seeing as he was a member of a travelling acting troupe I expect copious opportunities to utilise the Disguise skill! santa That's erm... that's a Halfling disguised as Santa...

Oh and also cause I'm a bit of a cross-class junky (And I have thus far resisted the urge to bastardise Elessar, Carlton, and Astra in such a way) this Halfling'll likely be a Bard come Rogue cross breed.

So all in all, if it pleases your honour;

I present your first short character for your short campaign. Hopefully following shortly will be shorter characters, but in short... okay I've had enough of that.

I'll drop you his back-story if you like for your perusal, feel free to discuss, disagree, disallow, disparage, or disinfect anything you dislike.
By no means do I have to stick with this if it ain't not no good for you. Besides, the Gnome Superstore is just down the road, and it looks like they have a sale on too!

Oh also... how carried away is too carried away..?

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