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7th sea game: "For Science!"

Adam posts: 137 United Kingdom

Should also post a reminder about what we need for characters.....

1) Character concept
2) Nationality - need not been Castilian, but it would make sense if this is the default
3) Thoughts about special skills - linked packages of abilities (combat or non-combat) linked to character concept
4) Arcana - something about the character's, er, character or outlook related to earning or spending drama dice
5) Name of the character, and name of the actor playing him/her (my adventure has an unlimited budget, so any actor past, present or future)

By way of example, for James' character I was thinking something like:

Special skill: Non-lethal combat

Knock unconscious - with a sneak attack, can knock someone out cold (like the Vulcan death grip, or the Man from Uncle karate chop to the neck). This could work either on a successful stealth roll and a successful attack roll (TN 20), or perhaps under limited circumstances in normal combat, where it might knock someone out cold if a dramatic wound is caused. That's a bit more complicated, and I'll need to think about it.

Anatomist - expert at hitting where it hurts. Re-roll any 1s rolled for damage.

Both those are quite powerful for a character who's not primarily a combatant, so....

Reluctant combatant - must make a resolve roll (TN 15) to attack an enemy who is already crippled (if a villain) or badly wounded (if a henchman). Difficultly will vary according to danger/gravity of situation. Must make a resolve roll (TN 10) to attack an enemy unit (villain, brute, henchman) that's not already engaged in combat. TN will vary according to how aggressive the action would be. This may apply to knock unconscious under certain circumstances - though not when knocking someone out is the lesser of two evils for that person. Actions are not normally lost of the check fails - can do something else instead.

I'm also thinking some kind of social skills bonus and some kind of willpower/force of personality bonus. Perhaps a surgery special ability too.

And for the Arcana, perhaps:

Sheltered Life - Years in holy orders have equipped him with a lot of book learning, but not much street smarts. In spite of being outside the cloister for a while now, he still tends to be a little naive about the darker side of human nature and about the outside world in general, which is noisier, more chaotic, less structured, less religious, and less sane than he's used to. Drama dice available for role-playing (sensible/appropriate) unworldly/sheltered/naive behaviour. Note that 'sheltered' doesn't mean 'born yesterday'.

Or perhaps something based around being excessively kind/soft hearted....

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