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Rise of the Runelords

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

Well this is it, THE END.

As mentioned tonight, I had not expected to do a TPK tonight. True, as posted earlier, I expected a TPK against Karzoug the Claimer, but this should have been on Wednesday.

Agonising over wisdom drain.

After dropping two PCs in about two rounds, and getting re-rolls on the wisdom drain, we agreed to "reload" the game if we could find a way of using the party's resources to drop Most High Ceoptra. We concluded that yes, as indicated in the previous post, the party just lacked a high-level arcane spellcaster. Most High Ceoptra should have been mazed, feebleminded, or zapped with a "save or die/become useless" type of ninth-level spell . There is nothing that we could think of that could ward a PC against wisdom drain at least with the class abilities available to the party at that point in time in the adventure. Maybe we were wrong and there are solutions, but we just could not figure them out.


There is only nostalgia for Rise of the Runelords now. I have updated the game page. Feel free to point out mistakes in the storyline. I started it again when we switched websites, so the very first couple of adventures are missing.

Looking at my archives, we started on Wednesday, November 4th 2009 and I opened the thread on the old Meetup website that very evening after the game at 11.41 p.m. to be precise!

If you install 7-zip on your machine, I have uploaded my RotRL archives from the days when we were on Meetup. Extract the file in a folder and open the pages of the thread with Firefox or M$-Explorer. These are all .htm files with the relevant sub-folder for the images and everything.

Rise of the Runelords.7z

If you insist on a RAR or ZIP file, tell me and I shall upload one.

Next Wednesday.

We shall play Ian's Legacy of Fire.
I have removed the last two RotRL events that were on the calendar.


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