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Rise of the Runelords

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear players,

Just a quick post to mention that your GM has done some homework and realised that a quickened spell does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Most High Ceoptra, whom you are currently having an antagonised relationship with, has that feat. The elderly gentleman you have been dying to meet for a while, Karzoug the Claimer, has a pretty expensive rod that allows him to quicken his spells too.

I know, I should be spending my time on better things, being married and all, but I must strive to make my encounters a bit nastier. So I have taken refuge in the rules. GMs should be of LN tending towards LE alignment to offer a sense of achievement after a successful fight.evil

The Eye of Avarice.

Looking at the final encounter, with neither high-level Priest- nor Mage-like classes in the party, the fight could be of a very tall order, especially considering Karzoug's collection of time stop spells. According to the story, he has been spying on the party since you set foot in Xin Shalast, hence knows your classes. Unless I roll very poorly, taking into account the number of opponents in the Eye of Avarice, the likelihood of success is pretty low. Forget the brilliant energy issue, this time the enemy will have a lot more actions per turn than you will.

Expect losing the game at the very end of the campaign. The party's choice of classes has given us a lot of fun overall, do not blame yourselves for not having the standard Fighter/Cleric/Rogue/Wizard profile that the adventures are designed for.


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