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Rise of the Runelords

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

Time to post about the last session I guess before it becomes more than a week away.
I have updated the game page, something I had not done in a while.

Dagar's rescue operation.

Having fallen foul of Most High Ceoptra and her patrol of Storm Giants the party had lost Dagar who was taken prisoner in a catatonic state. A new NPC has made an appearance: Chellan the Sword of Greed with its ego of twenty-five and its LE motivation to help Karzoug reclaim Shalast, now mostly Varisia.
Dagar had been selected as the next Champion of Greed, but somehow refused the entreaties.

As mentioned during the game, I am not playing intelligent items as a manifestation of spells like dominate or charm monster but as tools and guides for their owners. The PC who holds an intelligent item must do it willingly. Of course, the advice and guidance given by said item may not always have the health and safety of its owner in mind. This is now a moot point as Dagar refused Chellan, hopefully others will not scorn a +5 sword, with a lot more attached to it, like that!

The rescue operation is on its way, with some funny business in that cell under an anti-magic field going on. The party got to see the face of their Dwarven friend Thorak, something they had not seen in ages!

The Astradaemon guardian has been badly whacked, but is in the process of being healed by Most High Ceoptra. With the alert having been sounded, Viorian Dekanti, the current holder of Chellan might join in anytime soon.

Beware that Dagar is in his small clothes at the moment, with an AC of 10+DEX modifier and whatever paladany-spell abjuration he might decide to cast; more to the point the hopes of snatching back everything now are probabilistically small.

Next session.

Hopefully we will get our fifth player back. If not, we can decide to either invite a replacement part-time to play the 15th level Cleric, or agree on finishing the campaign with four players and no, or very few, healing/abjuration magic.


I have never bothered to check, but the revised edition may call for Level 18 PCs, not 15 as it used to be. I may have to give you the extra three levels then.


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