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Rise of the Runelords

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear players,

In the end it was only down to James, Ian and I. So we retired to my abode and let Kieran close the shop and go back to his.

We played a game of Arkham Horror with The Dunwich Horror expansion. Because most of the gates opened in Dunwich at the beginning of the game and the move orders seemed to always target these Dunwich spawned monsters, we got the Dunwich Horror to show-up early. We had a pretty bad draw at the beginning with our equipment, with none of the three characters holding anything powerful, be it a spell or a nice weapon. We did not have really bad items overall, but indeed nothing that could be combined into a monster exterminator. So, nobody could possibly smash the Dunwich Horror. Somehow it never got activated despite its crescent sign. We chose not to use the herald sheet.

Luck was also not on our side when it came to critical dice rolls. The doom track was progressing slowly, because of a lot of monster surges, hence the appearance of the Dunwich Horror. We called the game to a halt around ten o'clock after a solid hour and a half of typical Arkham doom and gloom: Trips to the asylum and hospital, failed rolls to close the gates with tough monsters lurking at their locations - Yog-Sothoth was the Old One, upping the difficulty to close by one. All in all, nothing really ever worked and we decided to declare defeat.

It was also the first time James played the game, but he learnt quickly.

See you next week for Ian's Legacy of Fire; the next Rise of the Runelords game should be on January 9th, 2013.


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