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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Flame wars.

No problem, it is just that the first post looked so much like the perfect fuel for a flame war. wink
If you do not know what I mean, do check the Paizo forums on 4ed, general flame war start with "Is Pathfinder better than 4e or not?" or something approaching.

Lack of game availability.

Well, it is all down to the standard reasons:

  • Total strangers come together for a game, the group coalesces, then kind of shut itself down to outsiders.
  • Campaigns go on for years (literally), become high-level and thus the game shuts itself to beginner players.

New players/members who want to learn a game system need to be incredibly lucky. They need a game near where they live, preferably currently run at low levels, in a group that has opened spaces. As you know more people want to "play" a game than "run" it, so the odds are always stacked against the new players.

My Rise of the Runelords campaign is finishing (last adventure), and high-level (LV13-14), with five players. The other campaigns at Vague Connections, such as Kingmaker, Carrion Crown and Legacy of Fire have also been going on for a while and should all be mid-level (6th-9th), i.e. not ideal even if they had spaces (they may, you will need to ask).

Drop enquiries in game threads, send messages to people who run games (check the calendar), and check the forums as every now and again, a thread will appear looking for new players or another one will be about a new game that could happen if the GM could get a group together.

The best bet indeed to learn the game locally is the Pathfinder Society: Short games (three hours top), you can change your character pretty often I guess, so you can test different classes, and more importantly the gaming groups are by design very fluid.
If there are too many people, two games can take place, things like that.


Vague Connections can order some for you, the owner has a Games Workshop licence too, so you can get all sorts of things really.
As you may have noticed, the shop is pretty small and has a small inventory, but the owner is very enthusiastic about what he sells and can order, just ask and get things ordered, they show-up within a week in general.


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