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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Hello Coolcat,

Welcome to the group.

Edition wars.

If you are for real and are genuinely asking about Pathfinder RPG and the other edition that is about to be axed anyway and replaced by 5th Edition, or "D&D Next" as it is known at the moment; there are some hard facts coming from Vague Connections.

The owner must have told you that at his shop:

  • Pathfinder sells, 4th edition has never sold there. "Sell" not as in a "In stock, please buy the books", sell as in "People ask for it and buy it".
  • 4th Edition sold alright when it was announced and released, but that is now way back in late '07.

Vague Connection as a shop opened after the initial 4e release.

In a weird way, you will find shops that claim to sell 4th Edition well and other shops like Vague Connections who seem to be selling Pathfinder.

If you are dropping this as a flame bait, you are late by at least a couple of years, the best time for that was around '09. The issue surely has divided the gaming community.

Whether you are for real or baiting, you have bought a book of an edition that is not going to be supported for long now. You can find links about 5th Edition in this thread on our own forum; this was my own sarcastic attempt at edition war baiting. mrgreen
Still, the links to be found there are genuine and will send you to the official statements from Wizards of the Coast.

Pathfinder FOREVAH!

As you might have guessed, I am a Pathfinder RPG enthusiast and one of the regulars at Vague Connections in Nottingham. If you wish to commit your body and soul to the cause, you will find that the Pathfinder system is very well supported at Vague Connections. Several campaigns are run, sadly most if not all are full at the moment, and there are regular games (I think fortnightly) of Pathfinder Society Organised Play being run by the owner of the shop. These events are not always advertised on this website, you will need to ask at the shop for more details on what is run, when, and for whom (beginners, registered players, etc.).

Which of Pathfinder or 4e is best?

Just go to various online forums to read about the pros and cons, or more likely about gamers tearing one another apart. The funniest morsels are to be found on the Paizo website, who surprisingly hosts a 4ed forum even though Pathfinder is their baby.
For maximum entertainment, look for posts from an individual called Scott Betts, he is the ultimate 4e fanboy. Try to drop anything even remotely hinting at 4th Edition being rubbish anywhere on the Paizo forums, or the Web in general I guess, and wait for him to pounce! lol

All that being said, "Welcome to EMRPGG" indeed.


Edit: Kind of cross-posting with Martin here; oh well, done is done. smile

The original document is available at