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The Hollow's Chronicles

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

As usual, the way I had played the adventure in my mind did not work out as expected, but hey! This is what the game is all about.

The adventure "plan" was indeed for forward scouting and fighting each set of enemies one by one.

The Shriekers could have been disabled with a silence spell, or even set off and destroyed using hit and run tactics by sneaky and/or quick PCs. The Kobolds would have sent a team in the typical 1D4 rounds, to be picked up by ambush.

Theoretically the king was to be encountered in his throne room, however it made more sense for him to join the fray, which was the way I ran it. I guess that if one PC had been captured, there would have been a throne room scene.

The Shadows were unlikely to be found, a bit like the Gargoyle and the Dire Bat last time. The way they were turned changed a lot of the final confrontation, making it tougher than it was meant to be with the dead Kobolds becoming Shadow generators.

I shall let you have a roll on a craft or profession check if you want to send reports to the Aspis Consortium, which owns the Lumber Consortium. This could give you access to poisons or strange alchemical substances at a 20% discount.

PC sheet policy
Those of you who consider themselves "regular" players can carry on with your PC the way you have them at the moment, i.e. PC sheets with a card holder sheet.
The regulars are currently:
Gram T. Wren, Zan, Emen, Render and Brant.

For the others, I intend impose the use of pregens, the old 3.5 Paizo pre-gens will do.

The problem I have at the moment is that if the loot is spread among "regulars" and "one shot" players, I end up collecting many character sheets and need to bring all the inventories with me.

XP wise, I will reset the levels every now and then to make sure the party aligns more or less with the adventure requirements.

Next adventure
You could finish the dungeon, what is left is mainy aimed at the Thieves in the party as you left behind what amounts to be trap challenges.
I shall nonetheless bring "Carnival of Tears" as the next adventure. Whacky carnies, evil feys, unaturally cold weather, sick jokes, exploited children, and much more!
"The Hollow's Chronicles" are definitely not about the generic happy-clappy little D&D village with its blacksmith and benevolent Druid.

We could also role-play Brant and his "reward", the disturbed recollection of one of Render's recent nightly adventure, and of course have a round of buy/sell activities and other magicking-up of the party's inventory.

The regular players can swap their PC for something else if they so wish.
However, I would impose a "standard races only" policy.


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