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Rise of the Runelords

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Players,

Another adventure done.

The session yesterday evening was due to be the last one for Sins of the Saviours and indeed it has proven to be so. Personally, I was expecting a bit more tension from the fight, I guess it was challenging after all, however I intended for the Demon to be the last monster standing. Oh well, you seemed to have enjoyed it so that will have to do. As the GM I have not killed a PC for a while now... mmmh... evil

Nick out of the game.

Well, as usual, if you want to come back later, you are welcome. Bester can teleport so I guess it would not be too difficult to literally drop him in the middle of Xin Shalast if need be.

Ian's bad role-playing.

In every game he plays, whether it is in the Serenity game violently killing a sheriff or in RotRL; Ian just cannot help it, he forsakes every chance at role-playing and goes for kill, kill, kill. exclaim
The Shemhazian Demon could have been a misunderstood creature, forced by its evil peers to commit acts of destructions, such as the massacre of Elven settlements. The poor soul, whose name the party did not even bother to know, could have been tortured by angst at its past and implied disposition. Nobody even bothered to ask the Shemhazian if he could wield twin scimitars for Heaven's sake!
Obsessed players like Ian just do not care, they act out of jealousy for their peers (remember when he opposed Andrew's character gaining a Pit Fiend as a friend?), contempt for the game and a driven hatred for the GM's toys! mrgreen

Next adventure.

I shall prepare Spires of Xin Shalast by Greg A. Vaughan but I do not expect to start it until the session after next. As mentioned yesterday, I would like you to all choose an archetype from the Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Magic or Ultimate Combat. Considering the current number it should be easy to find one corresponding to your style of play and your particular PC. Those of you who want to rebuild their character to get into a prestige class are also free to do so.

Basically, Xin Shalast is not going anywhere in the next few game months so I intend to give the party many months indeed. The motivation being that there could be some funny behavioural changes in some of your PCs who could in turn lead to some funny in-character discussions. Also, game-mechanic wise a relatively long period of time would explain whatever character sheet rebuilt one might be interested in. On a logical point of view, Xin Shalast is high up on the Mhar Massif in the Kodar Mountains thus it is going to be pretty cold up there, let alone in Winter. Hence the party must plan for a Spring expedition.


The party should be able to unload all the crap collected in Runeforge and buy or improve their belongings.
Note that this will be the last time in one of my game that I will allow free rein in buying and selling. My next game will be more "believable", without "Ye Olde Magick Shoppe" where the party can flog the loot or buy specific magic items. I will try to adopt the system found in the Game Mastery Guide where only a limited number of items are available in a given place depending on its size (thorp, town, city, etc.).
Anyway, this will still be a free for all, so you may peruse your books to find what you want.

The starting level for Spires of Xin Shalast is 14 and like Sins of the Saviours this will be a one way trip, no more shopping before shaking hands with Karzoug.

See some of you tonight for David's game.


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