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Rise of the Runelords

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear players,


Another fun session to run last night, despite the utterly ungentlemanly behaviour of the party. if the GM offers a range-weapon encounter, it is considered cheating to use dimension door and engage in old boring melee! frown

Anyway, for once it proved useful for my monsters to roll high for their initiative. Eight Human opponents with five levels of Evoker each meant eight fireball spells before the party could act. True, they did not last long after that, but there functions was that of mere speed-bumps. The tough encounters are for the end of the Halls of Wrath.

About the sunbeam spell, not all the Human Eldricht Knights should have been blinded. This was a ray spell. Unless you mistakenly used sunburst which is an LV8 spell.
This is a moot point as Bester wiped out the board by zapping them. Still, there was a problem I think with the spell effect resolution.

Role-playing Delvahine's gifts.

After leaving Runeforge I expect to spend at least half a session on levelling-up, cashing in the loot and buying/enhancing items for the party. I shall come-up with some side-stories, colourful ones of course, about the necessary changes in Marcus behaviour. I shall propose a few things for Adam to choose from for his PC.

The last adventure.

One more adventure with Spires of Xin-Shalast before getting invited at the end of it for a cup of tea with Karzoug the Claimer... who of course is only a wizard. razz


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