Forum: Public Forum

The Hollow's Chronicles

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


As Jim Hacker would say in "Yes, Minister": "This is a good question... and I thank you for asking it..."

As it stands there is no game for the afternoon session and not many people signed in for any session (five at the last count on either or here). If things go very wrong, like hardly anybody showing up, my plan was to bring "Hollow's Chronicles" forward.
However, if you cannot commit to two session, it would be unfair to run it without you, since you were one of the first to put a "Yes" on Meetup and register your interest here.

Thus, I shall take the following executive decision:
"Hollow's Chronicles" will run in the evening.

This does not guarantee that it will run though if I do not have enough players.

After all this negativity, it is possible that people are going to wake-up and drop RSVPs tomorrow and Friday.


The original document is available at