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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dave, Badgerblue,

Welcome to the group, with late welcome for Dave.

Indeed you can do your pitches for your game(s). We welcome new players but potential GMs are even more
As a member you can create your own thread, so post away.

Some quick pointers:

  • The first post on a thread is always visible first on top of all subsequent pages. Try to make it as informative as possible.
  • If you want to advertise a game, you'd better create a "page" for it. There are many examples on the site. A page gives you more freedom and space than a mere forum post.
  • Avoid using square brackets [] these are part of the TikiWiki code for external links. Avoid double parenthesis (((() too as these are used for internal linking to "Pages". Unwanted links are broken links, thus they hit the ranking of the site on search engines. Len can give you a better lecture on that than I can. smile
  • The "Members Only Forum" is for more internal matters: Organisation, website, suggestions, funny posts, etc. The policy is to have all game related stuff on the "Public Forum". Google, Bing and other bots trawl on the public section of the site, thus people can find us from their own searches. The more activity, the more referrals we can get.

Once you have attracted interest and end up actually running something, you can be made a GM, thus you would be given the right to post your own events on the calendar. Send a PM to Len or Alan to see you profile upgraded.

As pointed out by Len, your best bet is to run a short game at our Monthly Big Meet.

Do not be disappointed if your call for a GURPS game goes unanswered on the forum though. Members are more likely to look for more conventional games of the "D&D" sort. Members also tend to play with people they know or have met before, which makes us go back to the Big Meet. Also, members usually ask to join already existing games, but somehow feel shy about joining a game that has yet to start. So again: come along at the Big Meet if you can.


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