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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Welcome to the group and as the previous two messages have stated, the best way to go through the gruelling initiation as a full member is to attend the monthly Big Meet. Note that I am not at liberty to reveal the exact rites that new members are subjected to, what with all those nanny-state interdicts about bullying nowadays...

However it can be imparted to you that these rites may include:

Our less educated members refer to these respectively as D4, D8, D10, D12, D20 and D6. biggrin

Jingoism at EMRPGG

They hate me, I run games, so they need me. lol

Defence of the Realm

Len, I would like you to know that on Friday I was busy reporting on my research to a sort-of-used-to-be British defence globocorp in Farnborough; whereby I am indirectly contributing to the increase effectiveness of the material components of British and American "warfighters" and "warmachines". And yes, this is what they are called nowadays, I am not making this up. surprised
So "In your face!" and "Hon hon hee hon!" with regards to your snide remarks! mrgreen


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