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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


IWD and IWD II are pretty ancient games by now, but I guess they could still be found under some budget labels or second hand somewhere. I strongly recommend The Sorcerer's Place for all sorts of unofficial patches, and non-cheating tweaks (extra in-game merchants, goodies from collector editions, etc).

That being said, "ancient" games are usually great games. To me the late 1990s were the golden age of computer gaming: the graphics were beginning to be good enough to look realistic, but not so much that they made "the game" just by themselves, i.e. the game designers still needed compelling stories (RPG games) or original game mechanics to capture the attention of gamers.

The Baldur Gates games, such as Planescape Torment and the Icewind Dale (expansions and sequel) definitely fall into that category. The Temple of Elemental Evil is a classic too, but it needs all the official patches and a lot of user patches to make it properly playable.

Anyway, I do not really have the time to play on my PC anymore, so all this talk has become moot.


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