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Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

"Baldur's Gate", "BG: Tales of the Sword Coast", "Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn" and "BG2: Throne of Bhaal" are indeed classics, but the real hard-core gamer played "Icewind Dale" (BG engine) and "Icewind Dale II" (BG2 engine, tweaked for D&D 3rd Edition).

IWD was more "core" as it allowed six generated PCs, though most of the BG/BG2 NPCs were great.
Same for IWD2, which came slightly after "Neverwinter Nights"; there is no denying that the old-school 2D gaming experience on proper artwork still has its appeal.

BG then IWD got me to buy a 3rd Edition PH, then after realising it was not the same ruleset, I decided to look for the RPG society UMIST and started playing D&D with non-silicium based lifeforms.

That being said, welcome to Tony. smile


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