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Rise of the Runelords

Adam posts: 137 United Kingdom

Ah, well, you see, it's not a shadow. Not technically. Not really. I mean, shadows are evil undead, aren't they? And it's not evil, so it can't be a shadow. It's something else.

Sir Marcus Varro of Fort Rannick has been the unfortunate victim of a bizarre Shadowdancing accident. As a result of spending a long time creeping around in the dark, he now has dark vision, and has been practising with shadow illusions. One went a little bit wrong, and due to an administration error, quantum mechanics, and some failed spot checks, Marcus ended up being in two places at once. The original is now Sir Marcus. And the, er, copy, is a Varro. Not a shadow. Oh dearie me no.

In any case, this immaterial gain needed to be counterbalanced by some material gain. Equilibrium must be maintained. Balance in all things. Those who know the secrets of the universe understand this.

As for running away. While I admit, to the untrained eye, to those who don't understand the nuances of leadership, it may indeed have appeared that Marcus had just run away. However, actually it was a management technique known as 'extreme delegation'. And the team rose to the challenge magnificently, to the extent that their exulted leader was neither required nor missed in that particular encounter. Can there be a higher accolade for a leader than this? I don't think so. Not only that, they even had manners to retrieve his sword for him.

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