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Pathfinder Adventures

posts: 284

I was thinking about the spells thing on the way home on Saturday.

There is a definite downside of playing a prepared caster type, particularly at this level. While I have a fair number of spells yet to cast.
I prepared them before knowing what we were up against, and now I realise the spells chosen are not optimal for what we have been up against.
The spells I chose to prepare were in character.. but now I know the choice was not an "optimal" choice.
There in is the big upside for the spontaneous casters. They may know less spells, but they do not have to "guess" at what they are going to need.

In Campaigns like RoTRL, Kingmaker, and the like in and out of character, you have a good idea what you will go up against the next day based on the previous day. In one shot adventures like this.. it is harder to tell.

I'm so glad that my character is able to hit things, reasonably hard too. (I grant you not as hard as the full on fighters, but I can drain levels when I critically hit!)

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