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Rise of the Runelords

Adam posts: 137 United Kingdom

As I said at the time, that spell description is horribly unclear.

The second saving throw could refer to pre-existing conditions, or it could refer to new spells cast on the recipient. The second saving throw only suppresses the effect, not saves against it as success the first time round would. I think the wording supports either interpretation.....

The description also states that the recipient is "immune to any new attempts to possess or exercise mental control over the target". The text earlier includes charm and compulsion effects as examples of mental control. However.... this might only apply if a pre-existing condition has been saved against.

Ambiguity notwithstanding, I think the most likely interpretation of it is:

If the target is not controlled

+2 AC deflection bonus against attacks from evil creatures (doesn't stack with ring of protection) +2 resistance bonus to saving throws from evil creatures (may not stack with cloaks of resistance etc

Immune from natural attacks from summoned evil creatures (subject to SR, not attacking back etc)

If the target currently controlled, then the above, plus.....
They get a new saving throw at +2 morale bonus against the evil spell control
This +2 morale bonus does not stack with the spell's +2 resistance bonus
If they succeed, the effects are dampened for the duration but resume afterwards
The target is immune to any further control attempts for the duration

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