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Rise of the Runelords

Adam posts: 137 United Kingdom

Well, looks like I didn't miss much then!

Shame... I thought that tictactically we were getting more organised, but it's always harder with players controlling more than one character, particularly at higher levels.

"Like in any big enough D&D dungeon, meta-gaming should inform you that there must be some help somewhere"

Now this is a real dilemma for me. As with trying to bluff our way through the main gates... meta-gaming tells me that it's probably possible with luck, or at least trying won't mean instant death. Meta-gaming also tells me that there's very likely to be back door or secret entrance... because there always is. There's usually also the possibility of prisoners, inciting rebellion etc.

Without meta-gaming, Marcus is probably wondering whether these hostages are even worth bothering with in the grand scheme of things, and whether they're better off trying to organise a defence on home turf, rather than taking the fight to the enemy. He also thinks that there's only a tiny chance that he might be able to bluff his way through the gate and he and all his mates are as dead as THAC0 ((c) Order of the Stick) if he gets it wrong.

So... what's the balance between playing the character from the character's point of view, and allowing meta-gaming knowledge to creep in and influence decisions? I guess it varies. I'm sure I can come up with a reason for Marcus to want to try another alternative way in, rather than cutting his losses and heading home.

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