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Pathfinder Adventures

posts: 61

This si the discussion I've been having in the store with the regulars recently. High level Magic Items, Love 'em or Hate 'em they've got to be done.

It sounds like a huge amount of cash to begin with 410,000. But there is no point buying that +2 ring of protection when you can buy a +5 which is going to be a hell of a lot more useful. Cash difference 42,000. Bollocks...

All that cash gets filtered away on high cost magic items. So Instead of being the glowing magic arua you think you are going to be, you end up with as many items as a level 8-10 character just massively buffed similar items.

just been working out some items and different builds and either way you end up with about 15 items (including weapons and armour) and about 2 utility items and 6 potions.

As for wizards I hope you're all remembering the spell components. They are going to be 30% of your cash total before it even starts...

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