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Bandaluthia (again and still)

posts: 61

Bandaluthia 56

The Animals continued on the road. After riding further on horseback they spotted some orcs, and closed to engage them. The battle was swift and the Animals were brutal. Interestingly, their enemies’ equipment was of good quality, and bore heraldic symbols on their tunics (an R, with a crown above). The Animals surmised this has something to do with the lost kings of Palanthia, the Ravensley’s. This did not bode well in searching for the next key.

After entering Brolin they headed for the town of Dysteras (with the war memorial). They arrived at an inn, Roth having departed before they entered town. The war memorial was a beautiful work-of-art. It depicted Valkyries doing battle with all manner of creatures, including orcs and goblins. The installation was set in a park. By day people came to see it, marvelling at it and the valour it depicted.

The party continued to gather information. The innkeeper told them something about the battle from many centuries ago, though he claimed not to know the significance of the Key. It had, it seemed, been discovered on the battlefield. Meanwhile Coolio discussed the Key with a dwarven blacksmith. The latter agreed to make a replica for the Halfing, no questions asked. Barry researched the local ladies, in his own inimitable way. Finally, Dreizack challenged Tyler to a drinking competition, which the latter lost by a considerable margin, even throwing-up in her helmet. Fortunately the participants were not drug-tested.

The moment came for the switch of keys. The party arrived at the park, and all seemed quiet. A perimeter was set-up and Coolio stood on Dreizack’s shoulders, to prize-out the key. Just as his dagger touched the memorial a voice cried “stop, in the name of the law”. The Halfing quickly finished the swap, and used divine magic to make-good the glass. But, the Key looked strange. It radiated no magic and, to all intents and purposes, seemed to be a fake. Coolio jumped down and surrendered, with the rest of the Animals. They were taken to the Guardhouse, stripped, and placed in separate cells. The interrogations would begin shortly.

The situation looked dire. The Animals were incarcerated, their enemies seemed to have got away with the Key. Lupa remained back at the inn. Roth waited for them outside town. What could be done?

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