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Recruiting for a 'Short' Armagada campaign

Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Hmmm, I'm intrigued by this pygmy-esque society of Halflings. It suggests Knowledge(Nobility), a fake ‘tache, and a butler's outfit would not be as useful as previously thought... confused
No bustling city life? No country manors full of the idle rich wishing to spend their money on highbrow entertainment while being blissfully unaware they’re also being robbed blind?

And I should have guessed it'd be Ash writing away like there's no tomorrow! Took me long enough to read her Armagada letters! wink but they were lovely letters though. biggrin

And as for mister Apoc, we're always glad to help, but you may be less glad once you've experienced some of the help, but oh well. I'll refrain from the general advice right now on the basis that very little that just floats into my head is of any real use to anyone, but feel free to fire question if you gots any, no matter how stupid they may seem, chances are I've asked a stupider one... that's a genuine word right?

Anyway, look forward to seeing you and your Barbarian on Tuesday. Not this Tuesday, but the following Tuesday right?

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