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Newbie in Corby looking for a game :)

Apoc posts: 78

(copied over from meetup)

Hi folks,

I'm Rob, I'm 28 and I'm living with my wife and 2 kids over in Corby but come from London originally.

Looking to learn to play pathfinder/DnD but am completely new to RP games. I read a lot of Fantasy and fancy BEING in the tale rather than just reading it :-)

Hoping to find a game/group that doesn't mind showing me the ropes and help me learn the system.

Have been trying to learn the rules from the Books/pdf's and have a rough idea of what to do.

My wife would like to play too, but due to a lack of babysitters for the kids it would only be me to start with. We could host a game night at our house once a week so she could play, but i think most people here are too far out.

Not really sure what else to say, so before i drivel on ill bring this post to an end.



Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Welcome to the site Rob, and well done for jumping right in.

You could be the one with lucky timing if you don't mind a drive. I have just posted the 'short' Armagada campaign. The proposed location is as close to Corby as we usually get. One of the probable players comes across from the West Midlands, so you would not be the only 'traveller' at the game.

I know that as a DM I have no qualms at all dealing with a noob and D&D 3.5 is fairly close to Pathfinder.


Apoc posts: 78

Sounds good, let me know when and where and i should be able to come along :-)

Never really thought about playing as a gnome or halfling, so will have to read up on them :-) a barbarian/fighter gnome/halfling will no doubt be out of the question so will have a look at some new classes too :-)

Have all the pathfinder and d&d 3.5 rulebooks, sourcebooks, add-ons and etc on pdf. I will have a nose through and try to come up with a suitable character :-)

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I have moved the last posts to the Armagada "short" campaign thread so that character discussion is all together.


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