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Funny Stuff

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Okay I felt the need for a thread dedicated to the lighter side of life and that ain't gaming related (always). So I started one.

So to get the ball rolling the delightful Elder Sign.

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Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

helpdesk humor:

I laughed, the truth is an evil mistress

posts: 26

That guy he's talking about.............that's me!

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

My little pony. Geek style. 50 of them.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Not quite up to My Little Balor,twisted but fun.


Jaxtasha posts: 111

Ok so my little terminator pony may just have made my phobia worse...

my little cthulu pony is good though...

But where is my little zombie...

posts: 19

Fear of girls. say no more.

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

and for those who are wondering:


Jaxtasha posts: 111

Jaxtasha posts: 111

And somehow I managed to muck up posting and delete someone else's post, I couldn't find an undo so Alan can you repost??


Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Looks fine to me... guess it got remedied

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Bruce Lee Versus Iron Man.

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Can't beat that:

Sure it is in French, but she says "fellation" pretty clearly.

In passing, it has been rumoured that she tried to sleep with President Sarkozy when he was "between marriages", which was a pretty short length of time, and also rumoured that he declined... if one is to believe Sarkozy's current wife that is.


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

As politicians go, that one is easier on both the eye and the ear than most.
I'm willing to forgive her.redface


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Not wanting to attack Dati - there are worse politicians in power in France at the moment - but she has had a few face-lifts, also it was TV, thus not all as it seems. Rachida Dati is also well known for a slightly extravagant, and expensive, live style (haute-couture dresses, etc). She knows how to look good.

That said, she has owned to her slip of the tongue (pun not intended smile): She has admitted saying it and told people to get on with it.

Another politician - now in the shadows of history - starting with a B and ending with "rown" would have attempted to wriggle out of it; so yes, good fun and surprising honesty.


Jaxtasha posts: 111

Gnome Bard?

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

And today I came across several cthulhu songs, but this one is my favourite of the bunch:

posts: 3 United Kingdom

Ok.. for those of a certain age... this one had me chuckling.. don't know whether it fits the bill here but what the heck..

and for cat lovers everywhere check out any Simon's cat stuff on youTube..


Mik posts: 48 United Kingdom

I want this birthday cake
This has nothing to do with it being my 40th this weekend, honest!!

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

KILL IT! Kill it and steal its doubtless yummy treasure biggrin

And because there is no way I'll remember closer to the time - Happy Birthday chap!

Mik posts: 48 United Kingdom

Thanks Alan

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