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any games up yet

Jongofett posts: 6

Hey all Jongo again just checking in to see if any new 5e games being started or an early game with a spare seat available in notts area??

Let me know guys as gaming stores just ain't replying so still getting a vibe of D&d being a secret cult of people ha ha ha!


Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

The offer still stands to join (or just come down for one session to try) my old school D&D game in Shepshed. We're currently playing using Labyrinth Lord but may be moving to Dungeon Crawl Classics RPG. The rules are essentially similar to 5E - it's all D&D (roll to hit, roll damage)

I'd also consider running a one off (maximum two or three session) adventure using the 5E starter set if there's enough interest but I don't have time to devote to running or playing in a second campaign.

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

P.S. Might be worth posting on the facebook or google+ pages too, there is more activity over there.

Jongofett posts: 6

ok thanks dude and yeah i have the starter set (5e) so if you get enough ppl i would love to have a basic run through that to get my head around it as im new. But yeah might have to come visit dude if it means i get to play. what night do you play ??

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

I'll drop you an email. We usually arrange one session at a time because I work shifts and cant play weekly. Usually a week night once every 3 - 4 weeks

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