Forum: Public Forum

The December 2013 Big Meet

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Dear Members,

This is the discussion thread for our December 2013 Big Meet.

Obviously, you need to have a look at:

The Social

The Afternoon Session

The Evening Session

You are:

A player.

  • Discuss the games on offer, what you need to prepare, anything really.
  • Ask kindly if someone else could run a game for you. Demand could create offer after all.


  • Describe the game you want to play here in addition to what is to be found on your game page.
  • Ask for advice on how to format your game page.
  • Ask the Organising Team member in charge of the event to put your game on the sign up page and linkify everything that needs be linkified, such as a particular game thread in the forum or your game page for instance. Members of the Organising Team should be able to modify the calendar event and tracker pages to include their own games, but I can do it for them too if need be.

A new member or a simple observer.

We do not bite, so post away.

And for all of the above, you can discuss transport issues here too.

This is the original post, people are invited to propose games as soon as possible to allow players some choice and time to make up their minds.


There is a page of general information about The Big Meet yes.


"No game, thus no play makes us pretty dull boys" (and girls), so do not be shy and run something!


This thread will remain as a "sticky" until the this Big Meet has passed, then it will become a normal thread again. After that, you will still be able to comment on the event, but entropy should ensure the thread's slow death and let the newer thread for the current Big Meet take centre stage.

ChrisC posts: 9

I'm afraid neither me nor my baked goods will be attending the December Big Meet.
I'll be down south celebrating Fake New Year.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Damn. Those cookies were so good too.

Oh well.

It was good to see you there. It was good just to be there in fact. I had already made my apologies to Bruce and Josh, thinking I would not be good enough to get there. But half an hour standing in a hot shower persuaded my body it was good enough to take a bus. The walk across town almost did me in, as did the walk back to the bus, but the camaraderie, the game and most of all perhaps the cookies were great. Can't beat baked goods to bring back life to the undead.

I hope to see some of you for the December meet.


Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

Damnit I'll have to bring my own baked goods* then. In other news it appears a well timed 'kink' in my roster means I might make it to both the December AND January meets, just don't tell my boss!

  • Disclaimer: Baked goods provided by myself at a monthly meet may not have actually been baked by me and if they do prove to have been baked by me may not actually prove to be edible. You have been warned!

Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Hmmm. Seems I'm going to fail to make it to the December Big Meet. And if that wasn't disastrous enough I'll not be there for the January one either! That's three on the bounce! This can't be healthy! I better darn well make up for it in February!

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

You damned well better young Charlie me lad. !! lol


Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Would you look at that! It's a Christmas miracle! Seems I'll be coming home for Chrismeet (read as: attending the Big Meet)! GM bless us, everyone. I expect to see you all of good cheer. Granted good beer is probably a prerequisite for good cheer, but we might as well jingle all the way...
Ok, I'm done (like the turkey).

The original document is available at