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Google+ (and Facebook and Twitter too!)

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

If you use google+ we now have a group page:

Edit: just in case you aren't aware we're also on Twitter

and Facebook



Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Nice to see our Social Networking Rep is still on the case Bruce. We also have a Twitter account and a Facebook page. Not sure what happened to MySpace, I think it eventually died. I'd make the links work properly, but work has social networking 'Watchguarded'
[Edited:] To make links work.


Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

I've added the links to twitter and facebook on Google+ though they're not prominently displayed. I think myspace rebranded (again) the page exists but the content has long gone.

As I've said before there seems to be quite a lot of RPG content on Google+ so it's worth having a presence there.

The original document is available at