Forum: Public Forum

The November 2013 Big Meet

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Dear Members,

Location change

The traditional location for the Big Meet has changed. The new home of the big meet is the Barley Mow in Leicester. This change has a separate discussion thread in the member only forum so if you would like to know more or continue the discussion please head over there.

This is the discussion thread for our November 2013 Big Meet.

Obviously, you need to have a look at:

The Social

The Afternoon Session

The Evening Session

You are:

A player.

  • Discuss the games on offer, what you need to prepare, anything really.
  • Ask kindly if someone else could run a game for you. Demand could create offer after all.


  • Describe the game you want to play here in addition to what is to be found on your game page.
  • Ask for advice on how to format your game page.
  • Ask the Organising Team member in charge of the event to put your game on the sign up page and linkify everything that needs be linkified, such as a particular game thread in the forum or your game page for instance. Members of the Organising Team should be able to modify the calendar event and tracker pages to include their own games, but I can do it for them too if need be.

A new member or a simple observer.

We do not bite, so post away.

And for all of the above, you can discuss transport issues here too.

This is the original post, people are invited to propose games as soon as possible to allow players some choice and time to make up their minds.


There is a page of general information about The Big Meet yes.


"No game, thus no play makes us pretty dull boys" (and girls), so do not be shy and run something!


This thread will remain as a "sticky" until the this Big Meet has passed, then it will become a normal thread again. After that, you will still be able to comment on the event, but entropy should ensure the thread's slow death and let the newer thread for the current Big Meet take centre stage.

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Parking info

I should probably put note of this on a wiki page or some such but here will do for now. At the Calais Street car park which is just to the rear of the barely mow their Saturday parking charges were

£4.10 paid for 6 hours, which is enough to cover you if you show up just before the start time until the evening, whereupon
£1.50 will cover you from 18:00 until sometime the following more - well past home time at any rate.

Sadly the machine is old and cranky so this would require popping out at 18:00 to buy the second ticket and it is a cash only no change given kind of a machine.

I didn't find the time to check other options but there is some on street parking which might actually be free in the evenings - it used to be in the week but these things can change.

There is also an NCP multi story something like one street over in the direction of the train station, I've not checked prices there but you might be able to pre book and get it a discounted rate.

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

So how do I add a game on the Calender? is it as simple as editing the title for 'Placeholder Game 4' ? I believe I have 'the power' to do so..

EDIT: I think I've cracked it.

Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Arrgh! Well I know this is going to send you all into a spiralling tumble of depression and make you question just really what is the point of it all! But I truly believe that with time, counselling, and a bit of booze you might just be strong enough to get over it, but...

I won't be making it to the next Big Meet! I know! I know! Calm down! It's a sore blow to be sure, but you must soldier on without me. It may be hard, and at times seem nigh impossible, but take heart! For I know you will not falter. You will prevail. By the Dice I have faith in you all!

... It's at this point you're all supposed to cheer, and noisily express the extent to which your morale has been boosted despite my impending absence (No not because of it!!)... Ahh, stuff you all then!

See you in December! santa Love ya's! biggrin

skerrigan posts: 142 United Kingdom

I'll try to pop along, but no Charlie makes me weep.cry
Could bring some Warhammer or Ravenloft to run - yeah, Ravenloft - Halloween themed game anyone?

ChrisC posts: 9

I'll be there. I was thinking of baking some cookies to bring with me...

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

Mmmm cookies!

I'll be driving this month, from Loughborough so if by chance there is anyone out this way who wants a lift (and doesn't mind risking me getting hopelessly lost in Leicester!) give me a shout.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I'll be there as always. Well, as usual at least.

I will attempt to have a little one-shot Sci-Fi scenario ready, but I can't actually guarantee it.

I'll be going on the bus, so there will be plenty of room for other passengers. razz


posts: 5 United Kingdom

Bugger!! Just my luck. There be the promise of cookies, and I have to freeze my assets in Cumbria that weekend and think of nothing but Norse Gods, and you all get to enjoy warm cookies!! God I hope December brings cheery tidings. Have a great session. Tim.

Bruce_C posts: 180 United Kingdom

Thanks everyone, sorry to leave so early.

The original document is available at