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Yes its another cool looking kickstarter.

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Okay so I figured a general thread home for people to go hey I spotted this snazzy looking kickstarter or similar project and thought folk here might like to know about and/or I need a place to express my own excitement.

'Cos I totally need that so some of you must/

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Obviously I have a point of interest to get the ball rolling - Trigger happy. Check it out here.

In short if you like your action and crime movies, tv shows etc this game should tickle your fancy. I for one am really hoping it generates the same sort of excitement and enthusiasm in game I've seen Feng Shui so often bring to the table. Fingers crossed.

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Board game designed by martin Wallace based on a Neil Gaimen short story that blends sherlock holmes and the mythos:


And at the other end of the scale I'm a child of the eighties and have a soft spot for cartoons of the era. I own the first cartoon action hour and have run, bought the pdf of the second edition but never got around to it and now there is to be a third edition, yeah, count me in. They seem to keep getting better in approach biggrin

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

One for the new edition of call of cthulhu:

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