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Iron Kingdoms rpg - I'm slipping

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

When the first I hear about a new game is seeing a book for it on the esdevium release list I know I've slipped up, especially if it is something that actually interests me. And Iron kingdoms sure does. The name might be familiar to some because of the miniatures war games or as is the case for me through having played the d20 adventures set in this rather cool world. And now it is being released with its own system - about bloody time too. The main thing holding it back previously was trying to get their ideas to work in the d20 system and it tried hard but several things struggled. So y'all can colour me intrigued - I hope this is a cracker and if anyone picks up a copy and / or is going to run a session I'd appreciate the chance to pick your brains about it - or better yet, play biggrin.

For more info just google privateer press, they aren't hard to find.

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