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The October 2012 Big-Meet

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Members,

This is the discussion thread for our October 2012 Big Meet.

Obviously, you need to have a look at:

The October 2012 Social

The Afternoon Session

The Evening Session

You are:

A player.

  • Discuss the games on offer, what you need to prepare, anything really.
  • Ask kindly if someone else could run a game for you. Demand could create offer after all.


  • Describe the game you want to play here in addition to what is to be found on your game page.
  • Ask for advice on how to format your game page.
  • Ask the Organising Team member in charge of the event to put your game on the sign up page and linkify everything that needs be linkified, such as a particular game thread in the forum or your game page for instance. Members of the Organising Team should be able to modify the calendar event and tracker pages to include their own games, but I can do it for them too if need be.

A new member or a simple observer.

We do not bite, so post away.

And for all of the above, you can discuss transport issues here too.

This is the original post, people are invited to propose games as soon as possible to allow players some choice and time to make up their minds.


There is a page of general information about The Big Meet yes.


"No game, thus no play makes us pretty dull boys" (and girls), so do not be shy and run something!


This thread will remain as a "sticky" until the October Big Meet has passed, then it will become a normal thread again. After that, you will still be able to comment on the event, but entropy should ensure the thread's slow death and let the newer thread for the current Big Meet take centre stage.

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Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

I see no reason not to be there, things are 'interesting' for me at present so no guarantees on what I'll bring beyond me but to save some money on fuel I might make the trip on the motorbike which would certainly diminish the number of board games coming. Any which way I should be there and have at least one rpg session on offer if not two. Exodus and Red Eye of Azathoth being the top candidates at this point in time. Updates closer to the time.

Paladin posts: 219

As ever, I shall be there and so shall Demonwebs. Perhaps aim for a slightly earlier start this time? ;)

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

An earlier start does not necessarily mean an earlier finish though, now does it.

But as always, a good time was had by all.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

BTW Alan,it's entirely possible that I might pass by Anstey on the way, or even go via J21, which would save you loads on fuel. The offer is always there. Only my character sheet on the day governs actual abilities.


Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

That is an offer I may well take you up on sir.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

An offer made to be taken up, not a hollow perfunctory one. As always, the offer of transport from Leicester is open to any needing a lift to the big meet.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear all,

The September Big-Meet was odd as it seemed to me like a gathering of GMs. I think we all had a game to run, whatever the system. smile
As Len mentioned, the meeting was enjoyable nonetheless.

For the October leg, as per this thread, I think I will stick with bringing my Pathfinder Beginner Box. This is of course aimed at Pathfinder RPG novices, so any new member is welcome to show-up in Derby so that we could get a game going. The short adventures are well designed to showcase most of the mechanics, managing to be simple but not simplistic. I have updated the Afternoon Session event to reflect the game offer.

As for the transport woes: Four editions of D&D, soon a fifth one, and you still cannot cast a bloody teleport once a month! Pathetic really. rolleyes mrgreen


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

... and you still fail to resist a dominate spell. biggrin


Paladin posts: 219

The event should be good for a laugh, though lets not play Arkham this time, hmmm? ;)

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

Arkham is beautiful but needs a start time adhered to if other things are to stand to chance. And it keeps getting in the way of other games having a turn in the limelight. Naughty arkham!

Anywhoo... more rpg for teh wins, yes.

skerrigan posts: 142 United Kingdom

I'll aim to be there, and a bit of Red Eye would be fun!

Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

... I find I have nothing much to add, so erm, I'll see y'all there... neutral
Looking forward to all manner of stuff. I think a 'short' game of Arkham would go down well. rolleyes

Paladin posts: 219

Short games of Arkham -do- exist, and I've even played in one, but they tend towards being few and far between. :P

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Hello there,

Yes, indeed.

It is:

  • Possible to win.
  • Possible to lose.

all within fifteen to twenty minutes, even with a lot of players.

The former is usually done by going through gates quickly, collect one gate per player and have them all closed at the same time with a mixture of special character abilities, magic items and of course a big slice of luck on the mythos card draw and the finding of good gate related magic items and spells.

The latter has many combinations, Arkham Horror is a game one plays to lose anyway, wins tend to be few. I think, the easiest for a quick "game over" is the "too many opened gates" situation. This can happen when tough monsters or average monsters that cannot be killed by the current equipment of the investigators pop-up at the gates and somewhat never move (bad luck on mythos card draw), thus forbid the gates to be entered. Ironically, at least from my experience, a low doom token count on the Ancient One, is not usually a sign of early loss.

We usually play with five or more players, thus two monsters popping-up per gate opening.


Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

There may have to be some zombicide at the next big meet. About 2 hours per scenario seems to be about right and it is my current sweetheart for mass butchery and carnage. And the occasional tpk.

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

If thought is not given to tactics, I think TPK is as rare in Zombicide as it is in Arkham. eek With better tactics in Zonbicide, TPK is rarer. cool

A great new game, but you can be as unlucky in it with survivor death as letting the old one awaken in Arkham.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear all,

Sorry I have to pull-out for Saturday.
Life getting in the way as usual, a late work meeting in London planned for my wife on Friday afternoon. neutral

I have removed the Pathfinder Box game on offer.

Have a good time,


Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

a shame dear fellow, we shall see you next time. Meanwhile I'm going over some red eye now and should have it and exodus to hand and ready to run as required. We'll see about other games, might live the big A at home this time to avoid temptation.

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom


Nobody is reporting anything about the Big Meet, so how did it go?


Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I had a bad day and had to cancel my plans to attend, so I'm afraid I can't report a thing. I gather low attendance was an issue.


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