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Eventyr #9

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Event #9 for Eventyr, the LARP system run by our own Jason.

Set this time iat the Consall Scout Camp, the terrain for this one was the hilly one. Two Locations, Crows Nest at the bottom of the hill, and Orc Fort at the top.

Crows Nest was the site of the death of Father Thyme (in Event 7). Father Thyme was the last of his order, whose responsibility was to hold the bound essense of Galen Rotbringer within their bodies. Thus keeping him from creating havoc, death and destruction in the world. Being somewhat unprepared, the ritual to transfer Rotbringer went a little awry, and the Rotbringer ended up in the body of Gaston instead of the priest who was prepared for the task.

During his brief free time before being re-bound, The Rotbringer destroyed every orc in a ten mile radius to punish them for the ritual they were performing. Orc Fort is now infested with undead orcs and other undead abominations. (Including Steve, the undead Paladin??) Beastkin and werewolves have now moved in where the orcs had been. A different threat, but still very much a threat.

The Black Circle were forced to move from Orc Fort, and took over the peaceful town of Crows Nest. When we returned there in Event 9, the old tavern was now in their hands. Kaleb now runs the town. Belle, the barmaid & Priestess of Lady Luck occuplies the seat formerly occupied by Father Thyme, and it remained holy ground within the tavern.

The first annual Crows Nest Tourney was held. This took most of the player and crew time, but there was still plenty of things to do. Werewolves to be killed, beastkin defeated, undead re-killed. Tunnels, traps and mazes to be explored. Mummies found, jars to be opened. Ooops. That's not a good idea, too late. twisted Mummy-Rot is not a nice way to go. Quick find Sergei the Seer. Only he can make the potion required to cure it.

Lots of fun, but the hills take their toll, and by the close of play on Sunday, everyone is feeling the pain.


Pictures from the event.

Ileandra Young posts: 116 United Kingdom

Looks like I'm going to have to come to the next one, don't it?

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

Its on the calendar. - October.

You don't HAVE to come along. You could try a will save. lol
Talk to Ash at Bandaluthia. She was brand new to LARP on Friday, and an old hand by Sunday.


The original document is available at