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The August 2012 Big Meet

Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Members,

This is the discussion thread for our August 2012 Big Meet.

Obviously, you need to have a look at:

The August 2012 Social

The Afternoon Session

The Evening Session

You are:

A player.

  • Discuss the games on offer, what you need to prepare, anything really.
  • Ask kindly if someone else could run a game for you. Demand could create offer after all.


  • Describe the game you want to play here in addition to what is to be found on your game page.
  • Ask for advice on how to format your game page.
  • Ask the Organising Team member in charge of the event to put your game on the sign up page and linkify everything that needs be linkified, such as a particular game thread in the forum or your game page for instance. Members of the Organising Team should be able to modify the calendar event and tracker pages to include their own games, but I can do it for them too if need be.

A new member or a simple observer.

We do not bite, so post away.

And for all of the above, you can discuss transport issues here too.

This is the original post, people are invited to propose games as soon as possible to allow players some choice and time to make up their minds.


There is a page of general information about The Big Meet yes.


"No game, thus no play makes us pretty dull boys" (and girls), so do not be shy and run something!


This thread will remain as a "sticky" until the August Big Meet has passed, then it will become a normal thread again. After that, you will still be able to comment on the event, but entropy should ensure the thread's slow death and let the newer thread for the current Big Meet take centre stage.

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skerrigan posts: 142 United Kingdom

Warhammer: Once Upon a Time in Marienburg will resume, and hopefully the heroes won't be found floating down a canal mysteriously bereft of life and gold. If you're thinking of joining this should give you an idea of what sort of peril the heroes have got themselves in. :P

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

I will not be there this time. eek I have a fairly good excuse in that I will be running around a field playing cross country pantomime.
Actually, I will be walking at best. cry But I will be dressing up in costume and there will be lots of people there, (probably several hundred) with rubber swords. I am hoping not to have to fight, but if I do, I am almost certain to die.(IC) No dice rolls this time, but the Gods are still somewhat cruel.

LARP: One step too far for lots of people.
I was once like you, but then I tried it, took a LARPsafe arrow in the knee, and have not looked back since.

I will be at Odyssey LARP for the whole weekend


Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

well I better be there as planned then. With games and stuff. Or at least games.

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

To flesh out things a little I will be there and have on offer:

Exodus S2: Save One Shot. A drop in / drop out faintly mission based rpg set against the backdrop of a zombie apocalypse. Only there are cyber zombies too. And dragons. And people have developed super powers. No elves though so it is not all bad.

Board/card games. A generous selection of games to cater 2-8 players for anything from 5 minutes to many hours so come what may there should be something to suit.

Other stuff. I keep threatening to run Icons, I probably should at some point. It'll probably get packed and be in some sort of order for running a game. Its more super powers but more in the style of old (and a little bit rubbish but very endearing) saturday morning cartoon comic supers and villains. Spandex and all. Or lycra if you are not old enough. twisted.

Though there is the eternal possibility of more stuff being ready and with me. I've got some Call of Cthulhu modules I bought long ago whispering to me in the night to be read and run. And frankly I just like offering up CoC .

senemedar posts: 19 Poland

Count me in. Darok can't really wait to do... ekhm... something?

posts: 27 United Kingdom

Ill be there as well. Cant wait for episode 2.....

skerrigan posts: 142 United Kingdom

See you Saturday then - looking forward to more shennanigans in the City of Coin.

senemedar posts: 19 Poland

Unfortunately for me, I've been invited to some birthday party which I can't shake off... There is a possibility (quite high, but nothing certain), that it'll be boring as hell and I'll be able to show up around 6-7pm; but it's nothing I'd know for sure till... well, till said Saturday really. So sorry to disappoint you guys - can we have another date to continue please? PLEASE?

posts: 27 United Kingdom

As it looks like we are doing the marienburg on the sunday, Im up for cthullu and I think stuart (skerrigan)+1 will be as well?

skerrigan posts: 142 United Kingdom

I'm up for Cthulhu. Naomi's probably going to work on Saturday if we're also gaming on Sunday though.

Charlie posts: 202 United Kingdom

Well I'm back from sunny old Spain so I'll be there for whatever fun and nonsense occurs!

skerrigan posts: 142 United Kingdom

If you're really Charlie, back from Spain you'll know the password and countersign. Otherwise you're a Spanish doppelganger sent to infiltrate us...

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

I honestly thought for a while there I'd travelled a long way for a lonely pub lunch and not much else but I am very happy to say there were ample latish arrivals to give us a 2 beautiful mythos filled gaming sessions. One of Arkham horror followed by some Call of Cthulhu where priests and vikings learned to set aside their difference and live peacefully. Well actually they mostly annoyed the hell out of each other but when it is raining blood and the ocean won't stop rising and the dead won't stop chanting people get less picky about the term 'ally'. twisted

Thank you one and all for keeping me richly entertained the whole time - I thoroughly enjoyed both sessions.

skerrigan posts: 142 United Kingdom

Excellent games, thanks to Alan for running and bringing them. The Cthulhu scenario was very novel and I hope to play more Tales of the Red Eye of Azathoth anon. The whole past lives thing seems a really interesting concept.

senemedar posts: 19 Poland

Sounds like a missed a few good games :/ There's no birthday party that would take me off the September's Big Meet :P

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

"Good" is a matter of perspective sometimes:



skerrigan posts: 142 United Kingdom

That was a fairly common pose adopted by the viking team as their SANs sank faster than a heavy thing that is good at sinking.

Team Viking apparently missed all the clues in their camp as they were too busy torturing monks at the start eek and left it to two heroic monks to save the world.

Alan posts: 321 United Kingdom

And Skerrigan you asked where I got my arkham start player marker from, it was from here:

Though fenris have assorted mythos terrain that would do just as good a job such as:

Len posts: 1095 United Kingdom

It sounds as though you guys had Cthulhu based fun in abundance. It was therefore fitting that I also had fun, of a similar nature. Though not exactly Cthulhu, My entire weekend consisted of worshipping a squid/octopoid God whose name must not be mentioned, for fear of waking him from his slumbers beneath the waves. Lots of tentacles, lots of deep bubbly distorted mumblings. (It didn't walk like a duck, or quack like a duck, so it wasn't a duck.) Making blood sacrifices (Mostly just the hearts) to appease various Gods, all of whom are children of that aforementioned "Grandfather" deity.

Personally, I met my God only once, and though prepared to offer up my life for the good of Carthage (Which should incidentally be in block capitals and shouted at full voice by the entire nation as one; it sounds awesome.), I was told by my God, personally, that my purpose was to make sacrifices, not to be one. I feel very special. I will no doubt be frothing more at every chance I get.


Laurent posts: 1029 United Kingdom

Dear Big-Meet attendees,

I could not make it to the last one, then forgot to set-up the new one. I should be able to do so by the end of the week.


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