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poss new group

posts: 27 United Kingdom

Right guys thought id see if there is enough interest to start a new group poss Thurs nights to run WHFRP 1st ed,cthullu,world of darkness,shadowrun/cyberpunk, anything role play heavy or poss alternate games. Venue tbc but maybe wague if theres room or bugmans or some other venue if peeps suggest it etc. Pref not notts city centre though. IVe loads of WHFRP stuff and willing to invest in other stuff if the group gets going etc.

Once ive got a bit of interest i.e 3-4 players then we can firm up times/venue etc.

Arkenar posts: 12 United Kingdom

replied to your message - but yes i would be interested

posts: 27 United Kingdom

sorted we have 2 plus me waiting on a few more to come back to me but anyone else interested etc....

posts: 27 United Kingdom

make that 3 which prob means only 2 spaces left to make it a decent size group.Looking like vague connections as being the poss venue and thursdays.

posts: 11 United Kingdom

Hi guys,
I'm David, hopefully playing with you guys. I spoke with Gina at vague connections on the phone today and he said there's room if we want to play on Thursday's there. They close around 8 or 9. When should we all get together.

posts: 27 United Kingdom

Right the plan is this Alternate Thursdays starting next week at bugmans bar at 6.30 p.m till 10.ish. Im going to post a separate thread in a sec for each of the 2 games. Cyberpunk/vampire and "the dying of the light" WFRP 1sted.

I'm aiming to try and start WFRP tomorrow night at my house as a 1 off and then continuing on Thursdays every other week with the other game running alternately.

Members at present are myself,david,wingshan and Michal.2-3 spaces left guys.

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