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Pathfinder (Derby)

Lucee posts: 9

Here we can talk about everything and anything PF related from your plans for your characters to rules.
If any rules are brought into question we will now officially gloss over them as quickly as possible during the game and I will thoroughly research it after the game and post up the verdict here. Or if it's a little more abstract we can discuss it and come to a decision.

I will post up the titles of the pre-generated adventures I run too so you can share your opinions on them for the benefit of all.

For your first post I would like an introduction to your character and a little bit of background please. The more you tell me the better, as it will give me something to work with when I have a crack at coming up with my own adventures. Here are some questions to give you some ideas:

Who are you (name, race, class etc.)?
Where are you from?
Why did you leave?
What did you do before you became an adventurer?
How religious are you (if at all) and who do you worship?
What's your personality like? (Trusting, optimistic, assertive, understanding, nervous, courageous etc.)
Do you have any quirky mannerism? (always wear the same colour, stand really close to people when you talk to them etc.)
Do you have something that is very important to you? (A close friend or lover, a trinket, a particular set of morales etc.)
What are you're goals? (Amass a certain amount of wealth, find a specific artifact, atone for something you have done etc.)


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